Chapter Eighteen

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The thumping of the music had me scrunching up my nose in displeasure. The room smelt absolutely disgusting, sweat mixed with alcohol and the stench of sex. You'd think I would be accustomed to this but every-time I almost walk back out of the house the moment I get to a party. It was obnoxious at this point. Everyone talked over each other, everyone wanted to know who you'd have sex with, everyone wanted you to drink to get wasted. Time waster.

I had no intention tonight of drinking. I actually have to meet Oliver at the park later and the main reason I came here was to break up with Summer. I wasn't going to tell her the whole story or even that I cheated but on the terms that I no longer wanted this. I know that's a shitty thing to do to not give her the whole thing but I feel like I would have an aneurysm just trying to explain it.

Tyson was to my left and he looked just as bored as I was to be here. Scott stayed home, something about getting an email randomly about an alpaca collectable from Singapore being delivered today and he needed to be there for it. The satisfied smug grin on Tysons face earlier when he rambled about it all lunch gave me the quick conclusion of who sent it but I'll keep that to myself.

"AYO Jackson!" Paul came stumbling from around the corner, a bright red cup in hand as he extended his hand out to me. I gently slid my palm into his as we both went forward to bump our shoulders together before backing away.

"I'm so glad you made it man." His words were slightly slurred and his blonde hair was tossled around almost as if it was being tugged on.

"Ya man! Hey, have you seen summer?" I questioned over all the noise.

"Summer? Ya bro, she was out back not to long ago. She's got this real tight dress on too, you already trynna take her away? Damn Jackson." His laugh echoed in my ears, the stench of his breathe hitting me in waves.

Tyson gently tapped my shoulder with his signaling me to follow him in the direction Paul pointed too. I quickly side stepped out of the way following behind, patting Paul on the shoulder for thanks.

We made our way into the kitchen and immediately spotted who I was looking for. Tyson looked over at me with a slight head nod to the side and in response I just nodded. I clenched my hands together noticing my palms beginning to sweat.

"Why the fuck you so nervous? You look constipated. Let your balls fucking drop and go break it off with her." Tyson grumbled out, jabbing me in the side with his elbow walking off back in the direction we came before I could even respond. Always a fucking rain of sunshine.

I swallowed thickly, moving my way across the bodies and clapping hands with the players from the team. The noise in the kitchen was amplified off the glass countertops making it hard for me to hear anything other than the music.

"Baby! You made it!" The sound broke over the music and suddenly I felt a hug consume me and wave of blonde hair flying into my eyes. The familiar warmth engulfing me and for a moment knocked me off balance. "What took you so long? We're about to play beer pong."

"Uh summer I need-"

"Let's go." Her small hand slipped into mine mid sentence, dragging me along with her through the crowd. The low whistling as we passed the guys had my stomach turn into knots and the sudden feeling of vile wanting to come up. She used her free hand to slide open the glass doors leading us out into the yard where the table was set up and some of our best players and cheerleaders stood laughing.

"Summer wait we need too-"

"Jackson we can talk about it later, let's have fun. Okay?"

I let out a huff of air with a slight nod to my head as I let her drag me to the table. Immediately a drink was placed in my hand and the horrid stench of vomit radiated the air around the table but somehow no one else around me seemed to notice. Summer offered me a toothy smile and signaled with her eyes to the cup in my hand, her blonde hair slightly over face. It reminded me of the years where we were younger and not so wrapped up in everything else.

"Loser drinks from the boot!"

"No one's drinking out of your nasty fucking boot."


Headache. Unfortunately that wasn't the first thing to come but the death grip I have on the random bedside table beside me, hunched over as the contents from my stomach pour out onto the floor. The headache came after along with the dizziness and awful feeling of dehydration.

I blinked once, twice before realizing I was still in the house from last night. It was in this moment where I knew something was horribly wrong. I don't remember much if anything but I do know I shouldn't have been shivering with the layer of clothing I had on. My grip turned its attention to the sheets next to me, wrapping them around my lower waist as I stumbled to stand up. Avoiding my mess on the floor just barely I leaned on the wall across the room as the nauseating feeling returned.

The sun peeked through the blinds signaling the sun was rising and my skin although I was freezing was drenched in sweat. My palms grew heavy seeing the bare back and blonde hair I knew too well that I almost collapsed all over again. What concerned me wasn't the fact that I had fallen asleep but the lack of clothing that came along with it.

"Summer." My voice was hoarse and it sounded weak. Weaker than I wanted and definitely not what I needed it to be. "Summer!" I said louder, keeping the shakiness from coming out.

The sheets shifted as I watched her lean up on her elbows confused. Her eyes looking over briefly before they slightly widened before returning to normal. A smile playing on her lips as she relaxed slightly but visibly still tense.

"What are you doing over there? Did you get sick? Come back to bed will you." She spoke quietly, using one hand to rub at her eyes.

Anxiety pooled at the bottom of my stomach but rage was catching in my throat. My grip tightened around the sheets still wrapped around my waist as I watched her act normal. I knew her for so long and protested for months and I just felt used.

"Tell me we didn't."

She glanced away for a moment, biting her lower lip gently as she cleared her throat. "Jackson it's really no-"

"Summer fucking tell me that we didn't do anything." I yelled loud enough that who ever was here probably heard it. In this moment I didn't care if everyone knew or who was near. I watched her flinch and yank the sheets all the way up her body as her eyes widened.

"Well are you going to fucking answer me?" Silence. That's when I knew.

I shuffled toward my clothes the nausea coming at me in waves. The overwhelming need to shower and run away was hot on my trail as I yanked my clothes up. I felt like hitting something, everything, someone.

"Jackson baby come on-"

"Don't ever fucking talk to me again. We are done. Done as a couple, done as fucking friends. You are dead to me. Go fuck yourself." Without looking back I tucked my phone in my pocket, whipping open the door and slamming it behind me as I blindly made my way through the house and out the front door.

It wasn't until I made it to my car that morning, the sun rising and the cold feeling around me that I let myself cry.

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