Heart Of Stone

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Morax POV:

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Morax POV:

After what happened last night I just feel numb, feeling the emotions hurts too much so I just push it down

I blame myself for what happened, if I hadn't tried to kill Barbatos then Guizhing would still be alive

I understand the pain of losing someone you love now, and I will leave Barbatos alone as long as my son loves him, I don't want him to go through the same pain

I can't believe I thought that was a good idea in the first place, I really am a monster, just like Guizhong said

I bet she missed the old me, the one who was so kind and wouldn't hurt a fly, I wish I could've shown her I'm still the same person before she died, but it's too late for that now

I will try to be more like my younger self, for Guizhong

I bring my feet up onto the couch and hug my knees, wrapping my dragon tail around my shins

I hope Alatus will forgive me, I don't want to lose any more of my family, but I do understand if he doesn't want to forgive me though

I did try to kill his boyfriend and ended up getting his mother killed after all

Him forgiving me would be a miracle after all I've done to him

I wasn't even a good dad, he never saw my soft side, and I'd like to show that to him if he's willing to listen

I wouldn't blame him if he wasn't though, if I was him I definitely wouldn't

But as Barbatos would put it, I'm a blockhead, my opinions are rock solid and will rarely be changed, now, however, is one of those times

Rock can be moved and broken

And my stone hard heart has been softened, just like rock turning into sand

Is a heart of sand better than a heart of stone though?

It really depends on the situation, but I wouldn't know

I'm pure brawn, Guizhong was my brains, but she's gone now, so I'm going to have to learn how to use my own brain

Alatus POV:

I wake up in Barbatos' arms, our faces barely an inch apart, I feel really warm and comfortable wrapped in his wings

I don't want to leave but I should see how my dad's doing, I really don't want to wake up Barbatos though, he looks so cute and relaxed

After just laying there watching him sleep for about 10 minutes I decide to wake him up

"Barbatos" I say gently "wake up" this probably won't wake him honestly

Oh, looks like it worked, he opens his eyes and smiles "good morning" he says

I blush lightly and turn my face away "morning" I mumble, I've forgotten about what happened to my mother for the moment

He giggles "no need to be so embarrassed" he turns my head back to face him and gives me a light peck on the lips

That makes me blush even more, but then I remember why I woke him up in the first place

"I'm going to go check on my dad..." I say "where should we meet when I'm done?"

"Oh, uh... How about we just meet here" he smiles, his hand still caressing my face gently, there's almost a look of pain in his eyes, but he hides it very well

"Ok, sounds good" I smile lightly, then I don't even bother to stand before I teleport home, hoping to keep his warmth with me a bit longer

I get home and see my father on the couch, knees up to his chest and tail wrapped around them

"Hey." I say numbly and quietly, walking over to where he is on the couch

He looks up at me, his usually piercing golden eyes soft and filled with grief and pain

"I-" he struggles to get his words out, which is very unlike him "I'm so sorry..." his tone is so soft, it feels so weird

"I won't kill Barbatos... Please... Just... Live a happy life" he shakes his head "I know how you would've felt if I was successful now and... And I don't want you to feel this pain..."

"Thank you..." I say, it feels so weird for him to be kind to me, but it feels nice

"I... I understand if you don't want to forgive me... Just do what's best for you..." he says, sincerity in his voice and eyes

"It's ok..." I say "I forgive you... Or, at least I'll try to..." I haven't fully forgiven him, but after seeing him like this I'm more inclined to

He nods "I'm glad" he says "was there... Anything else?"

I shake my head lightly "no, but I'll be staying with Barbatos for a while..."

He nods "you have my blessing..."

"Bye then" I say

"Bye" he replies

I teleport back to the glaze lily field and I see Batbatos stretching there, he looks at me "that was quick" he says

I nod "he says he won't kill you... And that he's sorry" I say, not wanting to explain everything

"That's great!" Barbatos exclaims, smiling and hugging me

Honestly I feel just as numb as my father, I guess I really am his son

I hug Barbatos back gently, wanting to cry, but also wanting to just bottle it up, I'd rather not face the truth of it all

It would hurt too much

A/N: this chapter was written with one hand cus I broke my arm, so there are probably a lot of mistakes, sorry about that
Also this may or may not be the last chapter

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