Little White Rabbit × Big Black Snake 5

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Translator: Justurs

The strong aroma is not disgusting.

Shen Yan would slightly drunk, it felt like he was drunk. Dizzy.

He looked at Cang Mo's handsome face and swallowed his saliva.

Why do many indescribable thoughts below the neck suddenly appear in my mind?

This won't work.

Cangmo is so shy that he dares not look up at him at this time.

He didn't know he was such a hooligan before!

System 000:

[He is just afraid that looking up will let you see the red vertical pupils and will scare you away.]

scooped up a ladle of water, poured it into the palm of his hand, and slapped it on his face.

Seeing Shen Yanning's actions, Cang Mo suppressed his animal nature, so he didn't throw the man down.

Ning Ning is afraid of snakes.

If he wasn't gentle enough the first time, and the two of them didn't sleep well enough, Ningning would definitely not give him sleep in the future.

He has to endure!

In the future, you can sleep enough.

Shen Yan Ning saw Cang Mo take the initiative to distance himself from him, and he did not approach Cang Mo.

Zero zero, I did not think I was such a person!

(Is there something wrong with the fragrance?]

[Just like the peacock opens the screen to attract females. The fragrance is also because he wants to be with you...]:

Don't talk about system 000 in the following words. say any more, it's memories are going to be dirty.

    "As expected of a flower family, attracting the opposite sex is so different and has a floral fragrance." Shen Yanning sighed. Cang Mo waited for the scent on his body to dissipate before approaching Shen Yanning, only to see Shen Yanning staring at the hanging daisies in deep thought.

    "What's wrong?

  He thought of it as an afterthought, if it was a flower clan, the flower should be equivalent to the flower clan's ding dong.

If so, it would be outrageous for him to hang someone's treasure to air-dry.

It's the same as a purifier hanging a eunuch's treasure on the main beam.

Shen Yanning pointed at the little daisy: "I'll just hang it like this, is it really good? "

[Although not the same, people not only put it in the lime box, but also wipe it clean and soak it in sesame oil]

    (The steps are strict, how can you be so sloppy)

  "It's good, didn't you say that this can be preserved for a long time?" Cang Mo had no objection.

    "And those flowers in the cave, don't you mind?" Shen Yanning felt that giving someone a bunch of penis was like playing a hooligan.

Cang Mo said: "You gave it to me, I like it very much.''

Shen Yanning couldn't help but said, "It's really good. He took another person's Ding Ding as a specimen, yet they didn't change their faces, and even helped hang them up.

Cang Mo was caught off guard and was given a good guy card, and he didn't understand what was going on.

But also knowing it was a compliment, he smiled, very happy.

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