Chapter 1:

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In the North, the late autumn weather was cold and windy outside, but warm and soft inside, even making one want to wear short sleeves and eat ice cream.

It was just like someone's personality.

"Your schedule for today is as follows: it is 8:18am Yangcheng time on the morning of November 10, 2022.

10am–4pm, Solace Inhibitor commercial shoot.

Gulu Gulu platform interview, 5 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.

The themed salon dinner starts at 8 pm.

Once again...."

With a click, a white, long-fingered hand touched the big-eyed robot cat lying on the coffee table and pressed a pinch of hair on the top of its head, stopping the electric female voice from trying to repeat it all over again.

The owner of the hand rose from the soft sofa and stood in place for two more seconds, waiting for the black fog to clear before he stepped forward.

"Brother Che," a sweet female voice called out behind him, "What are you taking? Why didn't you call me again? "

Tong Che paused in his steps, turned around, and helplessly looked back at the petite Omega in the kitchen, who was fighting with the soy milk machine, the bread machine, and the egg baking machine, and wanted to use two hands as four.

"What do you want me to ask you? Are you going to split up and come get it for me? "

Ruan Tang immediately dropped the string of machines, wiped her hands with a wet wipe, and rushed out of the kitchen, "What kind of splitting technique, brother Che? Please call me, I’ll be here. It's been more than a year; why are you still treating me weirdly? "

Ruan Tang had been Tong Che's assistant since July last year, and it had been almost a year and a half now, but Tong Che still seemed unaccustomed to it a lot of the time, and still did most of the life chores by himself.

It was not the first time for Ruan Tang to be an assistant to someone. The artist before Tong Che was not as popular as him, but had a hundred times greater stature than Tong Che, and never hesitated to call on her.

When she was first assigned to Tong Che by the senior management of the company, Tong Che was just a nameless trainee. At that time, he was picked up by an ancient puppet drama and was offered a role that could barely be considered a male number five. Which is why management assigned Ruan Teng as his assistant when he went on set.

At that time, even Tong Che himself did not expect that he would become an instant success and become a top actor with his role as the fifth lead.

Ruan Tang was worried that when Tong Che became popular, he would become more arrogant, not to mention that when Tong Che was not smiling, he looked really cold. Maybe becoming even more aggressive than the last artist, but after such a long time, Tong Che was still as humble and polite as that little trainee, which made Ruan Tang feel that she had not done enough and was not good enough.

"Brother Che," Ruan Tang couldn't help but open her mouth again, "I'm your assistant. I'm paid a high salary every month to serve you. You really don't have to be so out of touch with me..."

"It's not that I'm being weird with you. Tong Che sighed lightly to interrupt Ruan's barrage of words and scratched his hair with a bit of a blush, "I want to get painkillers. Will you get them for me if I ask you?"

As soon as he said that, Ruan Tang instantly stopped talking and looked up at him with a frown.

According to the latest statistics, the average height of an adult male Omega in China was 170 cm, but Tong Che's net height was 178, which was almost as tall as the smaller percentage of short Alphas.

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