the wizards tower

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"alright, up you go." Adam helped ryan back into the gummi ship early in the morning, yawning and giving a big stretch, claws flexing out into the ground. He was so ready to become human again.. "your turn jack." He huffed.

It felt strange to be leaving this place, Jack thought. He hesitated a bit outside the ship for a moment. He glanced over his shoulder to see the other lions watching them go, Rafiki included at the frontline.

"May you have safe travels," Rafiki called with a bow of his head.

Jack smiled and gave him a grateful nod.

"thank you for your help." Simba called, standing with nala, a smile on his face. Adam nodded, before leaning down to help jack up into the ship.

Ryan was shakily putting on his glasses, wiping off fruit stains that he forgot were on his mouth. He was so glad to be back in his human body.. but he was still on the ground, trying to adjust.

Jack scrambled into the ship awkwardly, noticing that his hands were...well, hands again. He felt around on his face and his torso and took a deep sigh. It felt rather nice to not be tiny and covered in fur. He grabbed onto his chair for support and tried to get to his feet. He took a couple of steps before his legs gave out and he nearly tumbled into Ryan.

"Well...that's not gonna happen..." He muttered, lying next to Ryan on the floor of the ship.

"goodbye, your highness. Rafiki." Adam bowed, before climbing into the ship, now scrambling on his hands and feet as his hair fell into his face. The ships doors closed behind them to hide that they turned back into humans.

"You guys okay?" Ryan asked, still wiping at his face with his sleeves. "Never better." Adam huffed through his curtain of hair.

Jack blew one of Adam's hairs out of his face as he stared up at the sky through the window of the ship's cockpit.

"What now?" Jack asked. "Where do we go from here? Just...a random place again, like last time?"

"well,," ryan slowly pulled himself up into his seat, settling down with a huff. "I'd assume so-" the ship started up by itself, slowly taking off into the atmosphere.

"..or the ship has other plans." Adam mumbled, getting up and helping jack the best he could.

"What...?" Jack clambered into his seat with a confused expression. "No one's touching the controls?"

Ryan shrugged, the navigation screen showing a starry tower on a small floating island. The ship started to fly towards their destination, adam sitting in his own seat with a sigh, pulling his hair up into a bun. "..well.. if the gummi knows where it's going, I don't think we should try to stop it.."

Jack shook his head. "I...wouldn't even know how..." He fidgeted with his hands nervously. He hoped that wherever they were going was safe, and that this wasn't the work of something...malicious. He tried to knock the thought out of his head as the sky began to change around them to shades of navy blue, the stars showing themselves once again.

Slowly a large tower came into view, with a train at the edge of the floating piece of earth, the track flowing into a portal at the edge of it. "..this place feels safe to me.." adam mumbled, still getting used to having hands again. " i still have berries on my face?" Ryan asked softly.

Jack glanced over at Ryan, narrowing his eyes. "Just a little seed on your chin," He then turned back so he was facing forward as the ship slowly began its descent. "What do you think this place is...?"

Ryan picked off the seed, examining and then tossing it. "..a magical tower, i'm assuming.." adam mumbled, brows furrowing. "..i think i saw this place in one of merlins books. Its yen sids tower." Ryan spoke up, looking through the windows.

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