rapunzel rapunzel, let down your hair ( pt.2 of the kingdom )

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Nothing had attacked them as they went through, adam sticking more to the front. They eventually pushed through to a beautiful clearing, a tower erected in the middle, with a waterfall and a river leading through it.

Jack's jaw dropped. "Okay...what the hell, Ryan?" His eyes were fixated on the tower. "How did you know about this?"

"...call it a mages intuition." Ryan shrugged, pushing past his brothers and heading towards the tower. He placed his hands against the stone, no visible way of entering. Adam looked around, before going to the river and using it to wash his face a little.

Jack stood behind for a moment before taking a few cautious steps forward. This place seemed so...peaceful? Well, he'd thought that about pretty much every place in this world so far, and he hadn't been right every time. But what was such a grand tower doing in a place like this? Why was it here?

"Wh- Ryan! Be careful!" Jack jogged up toward his brother by the tower, remaining a few paces back. "Th-That thing could be...booby trapped or something. We don't know what it is!"

"j, its just a tower in the middle of nowhere... It looks.. abandoned.. i don't think anyone would want to trap it.." ryan mumbled, but he removed his hands and backed up a little. "..i wanna use aero to get up there.. but I don't wanna go alone."

Adam finished washing up, wiping his face off with his sleeve as he came over. "..wow thats a big tower."

"Abandoned tower with nothing of value inside. That's just what they want you to think..." Jack shook his head. He glanced at Adam with a furrowed brow. "Can ya believe this guy?" He pointed to Ryan.

"you know rys usually curious." Adam chuckled, shaking his head. "Besides, we know how to fight, just in case we do get attacked.. we can carefully check the tower, and then head back. Is that okay with you jack?"

Jack tapped his foot as he thought. Realistically, he didn't want to go in the tower at all, but he knew he wasn't getting away with that. He breathed out a sigh as he crossed his arms. "Alright, alright...we'll check out your creepy tower."

"i'll get us sea salt ice cream later." Ryan smiled, "and honestly, i can just go by myself." He set up a little behind the two, casting aero on himself and launching up with a yelp.

"..christ ryan.." adam sighed, watching the younger fly through the air.

"Oh, no you're not." Jack grumbled under his breath. He clung to the walls of the tower and tried to climb up as hastily as he could, his feet and hands slipping on the smooth stones. He cursed to himself, glancing down at Adam. "Gimme a hand, will you?!"

Ryan had flew through the tower window, grunting as he hit the floor. He groaned out. "I'm okay.." he called, before he got up to find something to help the others climb up. It was super dark.

"What,, I don't know how the hell to climb a tower.." adam grumbled, reaching and tugging at some ivy, it being able to hold his weight as he started to scale up to help jack.

Jack grumbled more incoherent curses as he slipped his way up the tower wall.

Why? Why did Ryan have to drag them to this stupid clearing and use stupid Aero to get into this stupid ass tower? It'd been less than five minutes and he was already getting blisters. Fuck, man.

Ryan had soon enough tied a rope to a hook inside the window, tossing out the rope. " Look out below!" He called, the rope just barely missing the other two by mere inches.

Adam was huffing, looking at the rope. He carefully grabbed it to start scaling the side easier.

Jack glared up toward Ryan at the top of the tower and mumbled angrily to himself before following Adam up. He was hating this more and more by the second.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2022 ⏰

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