75: Qiao An: Brother Qin, Help

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When everyone saw Qin Xiaohan in sight again, they found that he had changed his clothes, and then they realized that he was going to change clothes.

Everyone looked at Qin Xiaohan's clean appearance. 

The sunflower in his arms was as fresh as the water, and compared with himself, he instantly felt ashamed.

Alas, a boss is a boss, always be elegant.

When Qin Xiaohan was returning to the off-road vehicle to change his clothes, the zombies that crowded around the power station were almost wiped out, and they were about to go inside. 

However, it should not be careless, because there will definitely be zombies in the power station. 

Although the gate of the power station is closed, there are workers in it, and they must all become zombies.

And they don't know how much their power will become after two evolutions. 

Will there be any abilities?

As the gate was removed by the metal power user, the teams formed by each power user entered in an orderly manner, covering each other, or preparing the power, or holding the weapon, very vigilant.

However, to their surprise, the inside of the reservoir was very quiet. The two four-story office buildings and the Yuangong dormitory were quiet, as if there were no zombies in them.

Cheng Yuan nestled in Qin Xiaohan's arms, looking at the unusually quiet environment, but smelled an unusual meaning, and nervously hugged Qin Xiaohan's arm with a leaf.

Around the two of them, there were the four Fatty people, as well as several mutant plants such as plum trees and ginkgo pine trees. 

They formed a circle to protect Qin Xiaohan and Sunflower.

"Why is it so quiet, is there no zombies in it?" Finally someone couldn't hold back, scratching his head and wondering, and at the same time relaxed, not as vigilant as before. 

"Yes, zombies jump out like crazy when they see a living person. If there are zombies here, there is no reason not to make a move!" The other abilities also laughed. "Maybe in the end of the world, all employees are on vacation. Now, not in the power station?"

"It's possible."

"Blind, it turned out to be a false alarm."

"I was shocked, I thought there would be some powerful zombies in it!"

"Hahahaha, it seems that this task is not difficult..." The power users have seen entering the power station for so long, inside No zombies rushed out, so they relaxed and each breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that they could finally rest and rest, and this mission would be completed soon.

Hey , some of them walked forward with a smile, some were going to collect supplies in the power station, and some were organizing the logistics team to make lunch and eat, and then continue to work when they were full.

Everyone looked relaxed, except Qin Xiaohan.

Even the fat man, Huang Mao, Liu Wu, and Xiao Min breathed a sigh of relief and smiled slightly, "We are so lucky that there are no zombies here."

The Little Sunflower Essence of the Doomsday Boss [ Danmei MTL ]Where stories live. Discover now