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"and you're positive that we're allowed to go there for lunch?" armin asked nervously one more time.

y/n simply nodded in response. "yes, 'min. i've already told you that you could. like a bunch of times."

"yeah 'min." eren mocked, earning a glare from his friend. "besides, why're you so nervous either way? it's just lunch at the cafeteria?"

"yeah, we're getting food! you should be excited!" sasha exclaimed, an excited aura surrounding her.

"you're always excited for food. what's new?" jean rolled his eyes at the girl, walking beside y/n as connie preoccupied the other side.

"ne, ne, y/n-senpai--"

"connie." the girl warned him, the boy only resulting in snickers before continuing what he was saying.

"sorry, sorry. y/n-chan," the boy repeated, y/n glaring at him in the process. "aren't all the volleyball dudes going to be having lunchtime as well?"

y/n nodded, the group approaching the cafeteria doors. "yes."

jean then froze, realisation dawning upon him as y/n opened the doors wide. "then that means..."

"Y/N-CHAN!!" a familiar loud voice belonging to fukurodani's captain rang throughout the cafeteria full of athletes, followed by fast foot steps.

y/n turned her head towards the voice, eyes not phased as she watched bokuto running towards her. she simply opened her eyes for the boy, knowing that he was going to hug her. as their bodies collided, bokuto grabbed the girl's waist, lifting her up as he embraced her.

"it's already past one! i thought you were going to be joining us around eleven!" the ace cried.

"oi! hands off ya owl!" jean told the boy, bokuto simply poking his tongue out at the boy. "why you-"

"come! let's go eat lunch!" y/n wasn't even given a choice before bokuto continued carrying her, taking her body with him to his team's table.

"ano, kou-chan..." the girl mumbled, but went unheard due to how the boy was easily running with her on his arms.

"oi! bokuto! get back here!" jean raced after, following after the two.

"yo jean come back here!" eren yelled out, running after the boy.

"no eren don't leave me!" armin reached his arms out for the boy, only to miss - which resulted in him chasing after him as well.

"are they going for the food?" sasha asked her best friend, in which the buzz cut boy simply shrugged.

"let's find out!" connie then followed after the three, sasha beside him.

ymir and historia watched the majority of their club run towards the girl, whereas mikasa simply sighed at their antics. "we'll go find yukie and kaori. i don't want to associate with them right now."

"but what about y/n-san?" historia asked, mikasa widening her eyes as she looked over at the running teens.

"must protect." she then ran towards the group, with her usual serious yet calm look on her face.

ymir turned her head to her girlfriend. "should we follow them?"

historia looked around the place, noticing the amount of boys that filled the place. the small girl simply shied over to ymir's side. "yes please.

☆| 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐍𝐈𝐀; haikyuuWhere stories live. Discover now