Monsters Lurk In Graveyards

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It was about a week later when he got a great idea. 

"Haaaa?! You really thought we would wanna go anywhere with an idiot dead-last like you?!" One of the kids sneered, making Naruto slouch from his seat on the swing. 

The other of the two boys laughed. "I heard the Uchiha's are haunting the graveyard now, you want Sasuke to kick your ass from six feet under?" The other joked, and Naruto grit his teeth. 

Oh, he had a great idea. 


"Te~me!" Naruto called, because when your roommate took up no space, he could be anywhere. He heard the door behind him creak open and a cold finger flick the back of his neck, his equally unpleasant replacement to calling him 'dobe'. 

He shivered before turning around and smiling, finishing up tying his makeshift blanket cape while he spoke. "You wanna come see something funny?" 

Sasuke rolled his eyes, but nodded, wasn't like there was much better to do, and it was night time so he could go out anyway. 

"Great!" Naruto nodded, grabbing his recently acquired mask and another blanket for Sasuke. 

They both moved the curtains and went through the door. 

The direction was odd, and Sasuke was even more confused when they turned into the cemetery. The ghost dropped the blanket the second they were away from the street lights and he could bathe in the gentle moonlight. Naruto giggling had him crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow. 

But then he saw the two boys, both shoving each other, daring each other to go first. Both looked scared and all the pieces clicked in place. 

The raven smirked, and Naruto got into position. 

Sasuke waited until the timing was right, before gliding through the both of them, making them shiver and pale. "What was that?!" 

"It was nothing, don't be a coward!" The other scolded, looking equally as terrified. 

And then Naruto made his presence known, mask on, standing on top of the statue centerpiece of the graveyard, blocking the moon just so making him look like a vengeful spirit. 

Both kids screamed, and Sasuke couldn't hold back a laugh. 

The noise wasn't echoey and distanced though, it didn't sound like his laugh once did but it made Naruto laugh right along with him. Both of them chased the boys, though Naruto was the only one that could be seen. 

The boys ran out of the gate, and the blonde and the ghost were at the gate when they both stopped laughing. Naruto had a kunai to his neck. "Who are you?!" His teacher barked, and Naruto put both hands up. Sasuke was frozen staring at the kunai. 

Naruto pulled the mask off roughly. "It was just a prank!" 

But the kunai didn't lower, and Sasuke looked at the teacher shocked. Hate anger grief anger hate hate hate burned in deep black eyes, and for a second Sasuke thought he was going to have to see another corpse before the man's hand pulled back. 

"No respect for the dead." The man spat, grabbing the mask and snapping it in half with all the strength of an experienced chunin. "Go back to where you came from." He ordered, not to go home, to go back where he came from, like he was a wild animal. 

Naruto followed the orders, holding the two halves of his mask and not looking back, but Sasuke stayed. 

Red eyes burned into the teacher, Sasuke hated those eyes more than anything in the world at that moment. 

Who the hell put a kunai to a child's neck?

He rubbed the forever open wound on the side of his neck, and went to follow Naruto, see if he was okay. 



When did he start caring? 

Could he…


Not yet anyway… 

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