Chapter 13

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"Hey, is that him?" says a man covered in a jet black coat and shrouded with an aura of eeriness

"That's him, the one who's leaving soon for Wellston." says a man with electric yellow hair with a strand of blue going through it

"What a pity, he could have gotten stronger here than he can ever hope to at that school" says the coated man

"Well, what am I to say? he dwarfed me when he came here first, now he wouldn't even need a second to dispatch me. He says that there are people at Wellston who are quite strong."says the yellow man

"Well, I hope we can see him improve more, he is our hope at winning after so long, America hasn't won the tournament once" says the coated man as the yellow man sighs

"Yes, I think he can do it, he was able to defeat a god tier without even using his ability, and I still have a feeling that he hasn't even shown all that he is capable of. And that isn't even what makes this boy terrifying." says the yellow man

"God, don't remind me of that, the crimson lions camp was livid after that incident." says the coated man as he face palms

"Haha, well, he is going to be leaving tonight, I hear the new term at Wellston starts the day after tomorrow" the yellow man says as he looks through the glass at a black haired boy tearing through robots in what seemed to be a training exercise

"John Doe, truly this boy is different than any child that I have seen" says the man in black with an eerie tone

Both the adults take one last look at the amber eyed boy as he finished the exercise without a single scratch on him and a smile gracing his features.

Scene Change

We see a boy with Green hair looking at a school with an Orange haired boy and a red haired girl

"God, it was one year but it felt so long" says the green haired boy

"Yeah it was, so Rei what plans do you have now?" asks the Orange boy to the now identified rei

"Well, I am just gonna go to College, get a degree and see what to do from there" says Rei as he looks back at the two of them

"Now that I am gone, who'll be jack? probably Arlo" Rei comments as Orange and Red laugh

"Why are you both laughing?" Rei asks confused

"Cause I am the one who will become jack, he is gonna be here soon"says Orange

"WHAT? There's someone stronger than you who's coming to Wellston? but but you are a God tier Jason!" Rei said in disbelief

"I am a God tier, but the one who is coming can defeat me and Maggie together in a single move and knowing him, he is way stronger to" Jason said as he smirks, Maggie who had stayed quiet suddenly spoke up

"It has been a whole year since we last saw him, I can't wait to see him, who knows, maybe this time we will actually win." Maggie said as a smile graced her features

"A-am I seeing this right? did the ice queen actually smile?" Rei said in disbelief

Maggie had become queen the day she stepped into Wellston, she did what John did on his first day and got herself the reputation of someone who shouldn't be messed with, she never smiled infront of anyone so she was labelled as 'the ice queen' which was quite ironic due to her ability

Jason breaks down laughing "God Maggie, there other things except Kuro ya know? you basically only smile when he's involved at this point" Jason says as Maggie looks down as she hid her blush

" I just miss him so much...." she says as her eyes get a look of sadness

"Hey, he's coming for the new year, we are gonna meet him soon" Jason says hoping to cheer her up

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