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In the office of General Organa, things seem to be dull. As the general sits and worries about the well-being of her trusted Commander Dameron, she begins to wonder if she did the right thing.

She always strives to do what think thinks of the best thing for the Resistance. It's her job. To protect them and to make the right decision in order to do so.

But as she sits in her empty office, she questions if sending Poe alone was the right thing to do. Maybe Commander Cardell was right.

Before she can think any further into it, a knock on her door and the hiss of it opening pulls her out of her thoughts.

"Lieutenant Connix, what can I do for you?" The General soflty asks.

"General, you have an incoming transmission with your personal code. It's coming from Sorgan." The Lieutenant informs.

Only one person she knows on Sorgan has her personal code, cause her to suspect that she already knows who is from, yet she asks anyway.

"Is from Mirah Bey, Ma'am. She requested a holocall. She claims to have information about Commander Dameron's whereabouts."

"Thank you, Lieutenant." General Organa replies, dismissing the Lieutenant with a nod.

She dials in the holocall, and Mirah Bey transmits through only a couple seconds later.

"Commander Bey, it's nice to hear from to you." The General greats.

The blue figure of Mirah Bey smiles back, the blue head nodding in agreement. "You as well, General Organa. But please, call me Mirah."

A trading smile crosses the General's face as she replies. "As long as you call me Leia." She requests.


"So," the General begins, "I hear you have a certain Commander of mine?"

"That I do." Mirah replies, nodding her head in confirmation.

"How is he?"

"Physically, a little beaten. Cracked rib, scratches and bruises, all minor though. He's recovering well." The retired Commander answers.

"And mentally?" General Organa questions further.

Mirah doesn't answer immediately, rather heaves out a sigh and turns around to look at something over her shoulder, what General Organa assumes to be Poe.

She turns back around to the holovid, her expression hard.

"He went through a lot." She begins. "From what he told me, they dug around inside his head." She says with a pause before continuing.
"Whatever they did to him, it really messed him up. He's not the same, Leia. He's showed up at my door looking like shit. Broke down in my arms a few minutes later. Ate about everything in the kitchen and slept almost seven hours." She informs.

Her words bring sorrow to the General, and she feels the guilt begin to set in.

"He's just not the same sweet boy of mine right now. I talked to him, however, and convinced him to go home. He was adamant that you would see him as a traitor and shoot him down on the spot." She says, sadly laughing.

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