The Ashla

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"The Ashla?" Lera asked.

"Yes," the young Scrapper replied.

"Why have you never read it?"

"Uhm, I- It's too sacred for me. It's about the Force. It has different names depending on the culture."

"I am aware."

"My brother, he was a Jedi Knight," the boy said with a sad tone. "He died when I was very young." He handed Lera the book and she took it.

"My sister was a Jedi Knight too. She died many months ago."

"That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about," the Scrapper said as he went to sit down on his wooden office chair. "Have a seat, please," he motioned Lera to sit in the chair opposite him. 

Lera was hesistant as the chair looked eaten by mold. She feared it would snap if she put too much pressure on it. She sat down carefully and it made a creaking noise. It was somewhat sturdy but Lera kept most of her weight on her legs. She placed the white booklet on her lap.

"My name is Cazar Queorn, by the way."

"Lera Neacon."

Cazar looked at her for a moment. "Hmm. I recognized your lightsaber. Never seen one like it, except once. And you even look like her."

"What do you mean?" Lera asked uncomfortably.

"A Jedi named Salix. She came here many months ago. I suppose not long before she died."

"She did? Why?"

"She was looking for something. She never told me what it was but the only reason I trusted her was because she brought me my brother's lightsaber."

That's when Lera noticed the lightsaber behind Cazar, slightly hidden behind some books and a frame of a young Jedi. His brother, she assumed.

"I don't know how she knew who my brother was, or why she brought me his lightsaber, but she knew it would convince me trust her. She was accompanied by one clone."

Lera didn't know what to think. "Do you know if she left with something?"

"She went directly to a fallen ship, a Venator. When she returned, she had a box with her, but I'm not sure if that's what she found in the ship. I didn't ask what was inside it."

"Can I see the ship?"

"I'm sorry. It was incinerated last month."

"Blast it," Lera cursed.

"I did however hear the clone mention the planet Jakku. I'm not sure if that's where they went next but it's worth checking out? It's a godforsaken planet, but I know a mechanic there. He'll help you reprogram the droids."

"Droids?" Lera asked confused.

"You came here looking for droids, yes?

"Oh yeah. Thirteen droids and an astromech."

Cazar thought for a moment. "That will be 800 credits. My boys will set you up." He got up and held out his hand.

Lera shook it. "Deal."

"Pleasure doing business with you, Lera Neacon."


Lera watched as some Scrappers brought her new droids onboard her the White Dwarf. Thirteen Separatist battle droids.

"They'll need a new paintjob and some modifications," Cazar suggested. "Sorry we couldn't find you an astromech. I hope you find what you're looking for," he said with a genuine tone. He wasn't referring to the astromech.

"Thank you," Lera replied. She then started walking towards her ship since the Scrappers had finished loading the droids.

"Oh and by the way," Cazar continued and Lera half-turned to look back. "The mechanic's name is Dolj Kolvanja. He likes money but he's more fond of meilooruns. Quite rare on Jakku. Might earn his sympathy." 

"I'll keep that in mind. May the Force be with you."

A Star Wars Story: The Adventures of Lera NeaconWhere stories live. Discover now