World War Three

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[Briefing room]

(The Doctor, Maddie, and Y/N manage to rip off their ID cards.)

DOCTOR: Deadly to humans, maybe.

(And pushes it against the collar around the neck of the revealed Slitheen, enveloping it and Green with the electricity. They don't like it.
Neither does the one in the Cabinet Office or Jackie's kitchen. The Doctor, Maddie, Y/N, Rose and Harriet Jones make their escapes, but Jackie is still trapped.)

[The Tyler's flat]

(Mickey enters.)

MICKEY: Jackie!

(He smashes a chair across the back of the Slitheen, grabs Jackie's hands and pulls her out of the kitchen. He stops in the doorway to take a photograph of it on his mobile phone.)

[Entrance hall]

MADDIE: Oi! If you want aliens, you've got them. They're inside Downing Street. Come on!

(The armed police follow them.)

[Briefing room]

(Green manages to pull the ID card off 'Asquith's' collar, and the electricity stops.)

ASQUITH: Reinstate my disguise. Hurry up! Hurry! Hurry!

(Green helps the Slitheen into the General's skin suit.)


HARRIET: No, wait. They're still in there. The emergency protocols. We need them.

(The Slitheen chases them through a series of rooms, smashing through the oak doors.)

[Briefing room]

(The Doctor, Maddie, and Y/N enter with the police just as Green finishes getting Asquith into his skin suit.)

GREEN: Where have you been? I called for help. I sounded the alarm. There was this lightening, this kind of, er, electricity, and they all collapsed.

(The policemen check the bodies. The Welsh Sergeant speaks.)

PRICE: I think they're all dead.

GREEN: That's what I'm saying. They did it! That man and women there.

Y/N: We think you will find the Prime Minister is an alien in disguise. That's never going to work, is it?


DOCTOR: Fair enough.

(The Doctor, Maddie, and Y/N run.)


(And gets trapped between two lots of armed police.)

ASQUITH: Under the jurisdiction of the Emergency Protocols, I authorise you to execute this man and these women.

MADDIE: Well, now, yes, you see, er, the thing is, if I was you, if I was going to execute some people by backing them against the wall, between you and me, little word of advice.

(Ding! and a door opens behind the Doctor, Maddie, and Y/N.)

Y/N: Don't stand them against the lift!

(They get in and goes up.)

[First floor]

(The lift doors open and the Slitheen is there.)

DOCTOR: Hello!

(They distract the Slitheen so that Rose and Harriet can get past behind it, then closes the lift door again.)

[Sitting room]

(A large settee, a large drinks cabinet, a folding screen by the window to keep out the draughts.)

A Family from Gallifrey (Doctor + Daughter! Reader)(9th and 10th Doctors)Where stories live. Discover now