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Louis POV

I turn around walking towards harry, "i need to talk to Ed"

He gives me a questioning look, "about?"

"The fact that we're together, yesterday he took me on a date cause I was single. He deserves to know that I'm not single anymore." I explain, guilt ripping through me when I remember how I ignored his calls earlier.

"If I kiss you, I bet he'll get the message" Harry says, moving closer to me.

I don't move away, but I place my hand gently on his chest "that's not right harry, he doesn't deserve that"

"Mmmh fiine then talk to him" Harry says, taking a step back.

"You're not angry?"

"You explained it to me, before running off to him. No, I'm not angry" Harry says, with a gentle smile.

"Ok, I'm gonna go now" I say, hesitating slightly. Then turning around walking towards Ed.



"Hey lou, you ok? You didn't come to school and you wouldn't pick up any of my calls. I was kind of worried"

"Yeah I know, I'm sorry about that...I wasn't feeling ok, and I slept in half of the day. So I missed some of your calls, and then you called again and I was kind of busy then".

"Oh, it's okay" he says, shifting on his feet awkwardly.

"I wanted to say thank you for the date yesterday, I didn't get a chance to text you last night"

"Ha, yeah...I noticed" he says, scratching the back of his neck.

"Mmmh so, I don't know how else to say this other than just to say it"

"Say what?"

"I know I said I was single yesterday, and I was but a lot happened between yesterday and today. And so me and harry are in a relationship now" I rush out.

He stares at me in disbelief, and hurt... then he seems to collect himself. "The coach is coming, we should probably start running laps too" he says, starting to move away from me.

I rush after him, "Ed please, I'm sorry. I didn't plan for this to happen. I wouldn't lead you on, on purpose. I know how it hurts to be used. And it wasn't my intention, please tell me you believe that" I plead jogging along side him.

"Even good intentions can hurt Louis, and i think... regardless of what you meant to do, or didn't mean to do. You hurt my feelings. And I need you to give me some space, I'm not angry at you. But I'm not quite ready to hold hands and sing songs around the camp fire just yet"

"Yeah, yeah ok...I understand. " I say, falling behind and letting him run ahead of me.

Well that went as well as it could've, I turn around to find harry watching me.

He makes a funny face, and I can't help the giggle that falls out of my lips.

I bite my lip, turning away from harry to focus on the boys who are already running ahead of me.

It's unfortunate, someone like Ed had to come into the equation for us to see what we felt for each other. I really hope he can forgive me eventually.

With that in mind, I join the rest of the boys running laps around the field.


After pratice, and discussion of the game strategy. We all walk towards the parking lot. And some people head towards the locker rooms to shower.

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