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As Dongwoon can't sleep, Gikwang can't sleep either.

Gikwang pov

I lay down on my bed and stares at the ceiling. It is so dark. I turn off the lights and didn't want to turn it on. If I do, I won't cry and I will just hold it.

In the midnight,

I can't sleep without him. I used to have a call with him before sleep. In this midnight was the last night I'm calling him.

He broke my heart and make me cry. I saw everything. He's making a love with a girl. I know it was my fault because I fall in love with him in the first place. I end up broken heart and he's going to be happy because I free him. I break up with him.

I was crying in the midnight. The night was so sad.

I thought he was a nice guy. He was the one who confessed his feelings first before me. He make my heart beating so fast to love him, too. I really hate him and also myself because we love each other in stupid way. We're guys.

Calling him for the last time tonight.

I came to his house and I went upstairs to his room. I saw a girl on top of him through the door binocular.

He let my tears flowing. It broke my heart. It hurt so much. I feel this deep pain. How can I heal it? Find someone else? Move on?

"Dongwoon, I feel regret that I love you in first place and trust you so much."

I feel regret to love him.

I shouldn't accept his confession.

It was all stupid we were dating after that. In the end, break up like stupid couples.

I need to call him again but my heart is in deep pain.

I used to call him all the time, meet him, and date him.

Even though I have broken up with him, set him free, let him go and betray me, my heart still loves him. Yes, that's right. I love him so much that I feel a deep pain. Very painful.

I tried to forget him and stop crying now but I couldn't. Because I was so shocked by what he was doing in the room with the girl. The two of them seem to have known each other for a long time but it never happened.

He brought the girl into the room and made love.

It's true, I shouldn't have fallen in love at first sight. Because of his face, and his demeanor in the first place we met made me fall in love with him. but I'm so stupid. I didn't know it would be like this.

"You're so stupid too, Dongwoon. Why are you fooling me? Useless cheating man!"

Argh... I want to sleep now.

It's almost 12:30.

Dongwoon pov

Why did I do that to this girl?

Why did I forget about Gikwang?

I still love you, Gikwang. But, it's too late. It is all my fault.

I didn't know he was coming. I also don't know why I did all this?

I am a useless, stupid and deceitful man. I cheated.

hm, I'm starting to miss Gikwang. Because of me, he left me. I really want to call him and want him back to me now. I'm sorry for what I did.

I did something I never did with Gikwang. Indeed, because I respect him.

I don't want to ruined him because I love him. But why did I do such a stupid thing to this girl? She is not Gikwang.

I picked up my phone and tried to call Gikwang but he hung up.

I tried again.

"Gikwang, please answer my call."

"The number you called cannot be reached. If there is a message please leave it."

He must be tired of me. I think he turned off his phone.

Why do I force him if he broke up with me.

That's his decision. He must hate me now.

Even if it happens, I will not give up. I will still get him back.

Now I need to rest outside and on the couch. I'm afraid to sleep with this girl. I don't want to be stupid anymore.

I can't even sleep even here.


When we first met, at work, I fell in love with Gikwang. His face is very cute and his character is also cute.

"what is your name?" I ask.

"I'm Lee Gikwang. You must be Son Dongwoon right?"


We became close until it was time for me to express my feelings to him.

"I love you. Will you go out with me?"

"y-yes" he replied.

I held his hand and we looked at each other.

He looked up at me. With his short body, he hugged me. Many people look at us at work.

"You know, I love you too!" said Gikwang.

I was shocked and embarrassed. His laughter is so cute.

At that point, we started dating.

I took him to my house and my room. I rested his head on my chest.

"I will not leave you. I will stay with you." I said. He nodded and smiled.

I held his hand and kissed his head.

--- --- --- --- ---

That night, I never did anything with him. Even if I take him home. But we just slept together without making love. Because I'm very respectful and afraid to ruin him.


In the midnight,

Gikwang is still not sleeping.

He is still thinking about Dongwoon and also regret that he break up with him. He realize he got wrong decision.


Gikwang pov

"I will not leave you. I will stay with you." said Dongwoon. I nodded and smiled.

After he kissed my head, he said again.

"I will take care of you."

I just laughed a little because he was like little boys.

--- --- --- --- ---

Now I realize, he betrayed me. His words are all nonsense.

he didn't take care of me, but cheated on other people. Why is he just not honest? If he likes women, just tell me. I will not accept him.

But now it's very different. My heart still wants to meet him. I'm starting to miss him very much.

Actually, I don't want to break up with him. It happened because I was crying and my heart couldn't do anything.

Lee Gikwang, please. You don't have to love him anymore. He left you and cheated.

ughh, never mind! I really hate him right now.

He called me many times. I shut down and turn off my phone. I don't want to treat him right now.

Give me time.

and ...


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