Part 14: secrets out

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Athena sat on the grass with Remus enjoying the sun, they sat there listening to music and looking over some old photos in their photo albums of themselves when they were younger
Athena moves closer to Remus "no look at this one" she shows him a photograph of young Athena and Marlene sitting on monkey bars pulling silly faces
Remus points at young Athena "look ag your fringe, oh my merlin" he laughs.
After a while they lay down, Athena looks at Remus "were you invited to Amos's party this summer"
Remus looks at her "yeah I was actually, why were you not?" He sits back up
"No I wasn't, but James invited me as his plus one so I'm going anyways" she sits up
Remus smirks "you and James?" He nudges her
"Shut up, he just invited me" she said
Remus lays back down "sure he did, James doesn't invite a lot of people"

Athena went to the gryffindor common room and got through as Sirius let her in, she went upstairs to find Marlene's room and opened it to reveal Marlene and Dorcas meadows siting on her bed laughing "oh sorry" Athena shut the door
"Athena" Marlene calls "you can come in nothing is going on" she laughs, Athena opened the door to stare at Marlene
"Sorry for barging in I wanted to say I'm going to Amos diggorys party as well so I'll tag along" she smiles
Marlene nods "okay cool"
Dorcas stands up and walks over to Athena, she was beautiful Dorcas she had beautiful shaped eyes and was one of the most doubtfully the most liked girl throughout the year "Athena it's so nice to finally meet you" she put out her arms and hugged Athena "I've heard so many great things"
Athena smiles "wish I did too" she looks at Marlene who just shrugs
Dorcas smiles "great so we can all get ready for the party together, I need someone to help me with my dresses and you know Marlene" she goes closer to Athena "she isn't the best at clothing".

As the next two weeks went on the stories about Athena on the quidditch pitch slowly died down, it was the last week of school before summer and Athena was tossing and turning throughout the night, she snuck out of her room and went out for a night walk.

She left the castle and heard screaming, it was a boy she could recognise the voice but didn't know why, she looked around and saw the whomping willow frozen, she got close to us and mumbled under her breath "what the hell" she saw a tunnel leading under it. She crept down and followed a path, she entered a doorway and got closer to the boys voice, she got to the door and peaked her head through it, she saw Remus Lupin sitting on the floor bruised and crying "Remus?" She walks through the door. The boy jumped at the sound of her voice
"Athena?" He turns to her, his eyes filled with tears
She kneels down next to him "what the hell happened to you" she grabs her jacket and puts it over him "your freezing" she looks around the room and saw claw marks all around the room, it finally hit her as she turned to Remus and stared at his face. That was the secret, Remus Lupin was a werewolf "oh my god" she stands up and looks at Remus, he looked at her in guilt
"Please don't hate me I swear I'm not hurting anyone I never have" he stands getting closer to Athena
She pointed at him "so that's why you came into the hospital wing all bruised" she couldn't wrap her head around it "how many people know?"
Remus takes a step closer to Athena "Dumbledore pomfrey McGonagall and the boys" he sighs "look Athena I really wanted to tell you but I was scared you would look at me differently and you and me have built this friendship and I wasn't sure if I wanted to loose it"
Athena shakes her head "Remus I swear this isn't going to change anything" she tries to comfort him "I'm just in shock"
Remus had a tear fall down his face "I know I'm a freak" he cries as he puts his hands over his eyes
Athena shakes her head "no your not" she grabs his hands and pulls them away "Remus lupin you are beautiful okay" she stares at him "and your smart and funny and kind so you are better then anyone, who cares about some side you can't control"
Remus smiles faintly, Athena looked at him "come here" she said pulling him into a hug.

About half an hour later Remus had fell asleep on the sofa in the shack, Athena stayed with him. The boys came rushing in to see Athena, Sirius was the first one to speak "what in the bloody hell are you doing here" he rushes over to examine Athena "you aren't hurt are you, I swear Athena Mooney doesn't know what he's doing when he's like that" he looks back at Remus
Athena puts her fingers to his lips "he's just fell asleep please don't wake him up" she whispers
James quietly comes over "so you know?" He whispers
She nods "yes I know, I don't know everything but I know the main part"
James sits next to her "are you okay with this?"
"Yes he's my bestfriend" she looks back at Remus "I could never judge him" all of the boys sigh in relief.

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