Chapter 46

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my whole body is screaming in pain, my head hurts, my stomach hurts, and my arms hurt like I have been dragged all over the world.

My eyes felt heavy to open, but I tried my best to open them and all I can see is darkness except a little amount of light coming underneath the door.

Suddenly all the memories came rushing back to me, Ava attacking me I slowly moved my hand at the back of my head wincing because my arms were hurting and someplace it was burning.

I touched my head carefully feeling little dried blood making my hair hard. That means I might have bled.

I carefully checked my dress pockets to find my phone but it wasn't there, I must have dropped my phone on the way to being kidnapped.

Suddenly the door opened and I saw three people standing there the light from the other end made my eyes squint.

"Looks like our Savanah is up guys time for another round for her beating." That was the voice I never thought I would ever hear, but also she attacked me a couple of weeks ago.


"Oh don't taint my beauty I need her to be perfect to scream my name when I am inside her." A male voice said making me scared to death.


How did he come out, he wasn't supposed to be out of jail for the next 5 years and why they all are together.

"Oh shut up both of you, Let's just get her over with, or might her Leo come here to take her away from us." Ava gritted

She took a big glass of water and threw it at my face throwing the glass at me and hitting my head hard.

"Maya, you don't have to do this, this is not who you are, you are better than them." I tried to persuade Maya but only get laughter from all three of them.

"You think I will let you go away with what you did to me, you took my Leo away from me, do you know how much I love him since we were children."

"Then you ruined my plan." Maya gritted.

"I don't know what you are talking about Maya, I didn't do anything."

"That day when you got stabbed, it was meant for Leo, I would jump to save his life, I would have gotten stabbed then take the antidote then he would have fallen in love with me."

"Love me not you, you stuck up bitch. But now nothing will stop me from making Leo mine, only let the boss come, he would love to see you getting devastated."

What boss is she talking about? Tears started to well up in my eyes, I can't die now I want to live for Leo, I want to live with Leo.

"Oh don't cry my sweetness." William sat in front of me caressing my cheek which hurts like hell and also felt a little swelled.

"Don't please," I begged.

"You looked so beautiful in this dress Savanah, especially in this middle slit." His hands snaked to my upper thigh groping and leading me to squirm with disgust.

"Maya Ava you spoiled my girl's face with all the bruising, the only bruising she will ever get is my bite marks. Trust me babe we will have a lot of fun, I am much better than your Leo."

I turned my face to the other side nearly gagging at the words he just said to me.

"Tell me, Savanah, you slept with Leo right, does he still not lay in bed after sex with you," Ava asked with a glint of annoyance in her voice.

Only if she knows.

I was smart enough to know that if answer her correctly she will do something in rage. As I was thinking of an answer Maya interrupted.

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