XLIII- Astronomy O.W.L

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Pansy's POV

Every fifth year was on edge today, which was only reasonable. It was most people's last O.W.L. : astronomy. The only O.W.L. left was History of magic, but no one really cared for it. Plus we would study later. We had already done the written one and I had been one of the first to finish. Astronomy was, after all, one of my favourite subjects. I was currently studying for the practice part, where we would draw a map of the stars. Though it was my best subject, I was extremely nervous. Blaise joined me soon enough with Neville while Anna and Theo wanted to ask their Ancient Runes teacher something. Neville and Blaise took a break from studying, both of them feeling like they were good enough to take a break. I continued to study, knowing it wasn't an option to fail. My parents would probably disown me if I did. 

"Love, I think you can take a break. You've been at it all afternoon," Anna softly said as she tucked a strand of hair behind my ear when she finally joined us with Theo.

"I don't feel ready," I answered without looking up from my book.

"Pansy, you're literally the best at Astronomy. With Theo. You're going to be fine."

"I can't just get an Acceptable like you Anna! I need to get an O!" I exclaimed, finally looking up from my book as I threw my hands up in panic and exasperation.

"Alright, first of all, rude? You think I'm barely going to pass Astronomy?" I closed my eyes at her words, mad at myself. Obviously that wasn't what I meant, but it did come out like that. "Second of all, you've told me the name of the stars and constellations more time than I can remember and that without even a telescope. You know how the telescope works perfectly too and I know you can make a perfect sky map. There is literally no way you're gonna fail this."

"She's right you know. I mean, from first year you've been telling Blaise and I about the wonders of Astronomy and telling us about every constellation," Theo mentioned and I blushed as I remembered my first year passion.

"That was first year Theo," I whined. "I'm not that good anymore."

"You literally got full marks on every exam we did so far," Blaise mumbled, his face hidden in his elbow while his head laid on Neville's lap.

"You did?!" Neville exclaimed, opening his eyes and sitting upright, which made Blaise groan. He looked down at him and gave him a sheepish smile as he leaned back again. "Sorry."

"I mean, yeah but-"

"No buts," Anna declared, putting her hand over my mouth. She looked straight in my eyes and my cheeks heated up, my heart racing. "You've been doing amazing since the start of the year and even since you started Hogwarts. The O.W.L.'s aren't going to be the death of you, and you're going to kill absolutely everything, okay? You got this."

She took her hand of my mouth, still looking straight in my eyes. "Fine," I mumbled.

"Good. Now you should probably take example on Nev and Blaise and take a nap. You need to rest before the exam." She smiled at me and I decided to listen to her.

She rested her back against the tree and opened her arms for me. I rested my back against her chest and she gently wrapped her arms around me, one hand playing with my hair. My head rested against her shoulder and I got it closer to her neck. Her arms were warm but not too warm to be uncomfortable and I couldn't stop myself from falling asleep in her arms. I could vaguely hear her talk with Theo and her voice calmed me.

"Pansy," someone called. "Come on Pans, wake up. Pansyyy." The person shaked me and I started opening my eyes. "Come on, Astronomy is in half an hour."

Can it be?  | Pansy ParkinsonWhere stories live. Discover now