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"No way Annabeth!" Percy complained, "I am not going on a plane to New York!"

"It is the quickest way Percy!" she insisted, "We have to. Anyway, if you are given tickets to fly to New York by the gods you must have to go!" Annabeth was determined to get to camp."We won't get there in time if we don't fly."

"Are you sure I'm not going to be swept out of the sky?" Percy questioned.

"YES!" Annabeth shouted.

"Then lets go!" Percy and Annabeth raced down to the Forum of Camp Jupiter. Then ran past little kids playing with wooden swords and paper hats. One of them had a t-shirt saying ANNABETH CHASE IS A HERO. The other kid had a PERCY JACKSON t-shirt. As they ran past the two kids one of them ran over and gave Percy a big hug.

"When I grow up, I'm gonna be just like you!" he said.

"That lovely," said Annabeth, "But you could always be Annabeth Chase."

They carried on running down until they reached the Forum. Standing outside the door was their old friend Reyna. She noticed them and waved, gesturing for them to come over.

"Hello Percy. Hi Annabeth." Reyna said.

"Hi Reyna. We've come to say goodbye." Annabeth explained.

"You're leaving?" said Reyna, raising her eyebrow.

"My dad has given us a quest to do so we have to go all the way back to New York." Percy said.

"Well then I wish you good fortune." Reyna walked inside of the Forum.

Percy turned around with Annabeth and they ran down to the Field of Mars. Standing beside it was Hazel and Frank. Frank looked a lot bigger. His shoulders were tall and strong. He used to look babyish, now he looked like a buff sumo wrestler. Frank and Hazel were holding each others hands, gazing into the Field of Mars. Frank turned around and saw them coming.

"Percy! Annabeth! You guys look like your going somewhere!" Frank said, a big grin spreading across his face.

"Sup Frank! Yeah we are going somewhere. My dad has told us to go to New York for some quest." Percy explained.

"Well we wish you the best of luck!" Hazel said, "The college won't be the same without you guys!"

Hazel and Annabeth huged. Frank and Percy shook hands.

"I'll miss you two. As soon as this quest is over I we will instantly return to college." Percy said.

"Well, I guess you guys should get going." Hazel shifted uncomfortably. Annabeth and Percy packed up and turned their backs to Camp Jupiter.

For once they didn't look back.

Percy Jackson, When Everything Goes WrongWhere stories live. Discover now