21. Rafael

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Hello lovelys!
This chapters a bit rushed, not happy with it. I'm going to take a break to read and edit this book. Because it's terrible at the moment. If I do get a lot of feedback then I will update for you.

**This chapters in Rafael POV**



Irritation was biting at me. How can someone be so irritating and not get hit.

"Rafael, is something wrong?" Fabio broke me out of my death stare towards Leo, he was currently sat down in front of Fabio's desk, in his office, typically all wood and leather themed surrounding.

Fear was radiating off of him as soon as he walked into Fabio's mansion. I could sense fear a mile away.

"Nothing, just daydreaming." I cleared my throat, desperately wanting to get back to my apartment so I could bury myself into Christina. I never thought I'd be so addicted to a woman. Her innocence drew me in like a new born baby to the Devil. Fuçk, how could I let myself get like this.

"Well back to you, Leo. We understand your father has passed away now, great tragedy really." Fabio laughed, "And now his Empire is yours, according to your mother." Fabio gave Leo a small smirk when he mentioned his mother. Oh tell me he didn't. "So, business wise we'll be dealing with you a lot."

"I realize my father has helped you and your fuçked up organization since before I was born. But I do not want anything to do with it." Leo clenched his jaw. Dios, he needs to give up while he can.

Fabio grinned, a deadly one. "Rafael-"

My pleasure.

My fist connected with Leo's cheek, the contact making the skin below his eye break and blood begin to drip. He groaned and hissed, his hand automatically cupping his cheek.

"Please, your hurting my family when you call us fuçked up." Fabio cocked his head, his fingers tapping against each other. Sometimes Fabio suited his role too much. "Plus I am afraid you don't have a choice, I was merely stating facts for you, for future visits and business meetings to come."

"I'm sorry." Leo forced out, he was visibly trying to hold back his tongue. "Thank you for informing me of your future visits."

Fabio grinned, "You're welcome, you're a pleasure to deal with." He nodded, before turning to look at me. "Rafael, please escort Leo out."

Hijo de puta.

I grabbed Leo by the arm, pulling him out of the room.

"You don't need to pull me." Leo hissed, pulling his arm away from me.

"More fun for me." I shrugged, shoving him once we got to the bottom of the stairs.

We got out to the front of the mansion when Leo turned to look at me.

"You better be good to her." Leo clenched his jaw. "She was everything to me and I swear if you don't make her happy or threaten her life, I'll-"

"You'll what? Shoot me?" I straight out laughed. "Why would you even break up with her, who had their hands clenched around your balls?" My eyebrows furrowed.

Leo's eyes softened. "My mother threatened to not give me my fathers company if I stayed with her. Once the papers were done I was going to come back for her." Leo shook his head. "But she's never going to want me back, I lost the one thing I cared deeply about for my fathers stupid company."

I was taken aback, if Christina knew she probably would go back to him, he was her first love. But why did my heart start to burn when I thought about it.

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