39 - The Battle

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"Shit." I whisper right before the base is blown.

I pass out for a few moments, only woken up when Rhodes is standing in front of me.

"Are you alright?" He questions.

"I've got a few scratches but I think I'm ok." I nod.

"Come on," he continues, "we have to get out of here."

The three of us are soon engulfed by a flood and Rhodey calls for help.

"We're drowning! Does anybody copy? Mayday!" He shouts.

"I'm here! I'm here!" Scott shouts as he gets to us, "are you guys alright?"

"Considering we just almost drowned... no." Rocket says.

"Where are we?" Scott questions.

"In the rubble of the compound, I believe." I comment, brushing some off the dust off of me.

"Where are the others?" Rhodey asks.

"I have no idea," I say, "coms are waterlogged and won't work so there's no way we can communicate."

"Scott," I continue, "are your systems working?"

"Not at the moment but it won't take long to get them working." He replies.

"Rhodes, how about you?"

"I'm all good."


"Raccoons don't like water." He sighs.

"I thought you weren't a raccoon." I comment, receiving a dead-pan look.

"Take a rest for a few moments-"

"What's a rest going to do!?" Rocket shouts, cutting me off.

"What you wanna climb out of here while were all half concussed?"

"Ok, fair enough."

"Guys!" Bruce shouts as he comes over to us a few minutes later.

"Bruce!" Rhodes shouts back, "you're alive!"

"I got it!" Scott exclaims, "it's working!"

Scott grabs Bruce, Rhodey, Rocket and I and we emerge from the rubble. I look out to where the compound used to be, and see everyone who disappeared five years ago stand in front of portals.

"Holy shit," Rhodey gasps, "Lang get us down there!"

Scott lowers us to the ground and Bruce, Rocket, Rhodey and I climb off his hand before he shrinks to his normal size. 

"Avengers!" Steve yells, standing in the lead of all of us, Mjolnir flying into his hand, "... assemble."

Thor and T'Challa let out a battle cry, and the team and those who came back run into battle.

Hundreds of heroes sprint to fight in what is the biggest fight of our lives so far. I haven't stopped to find anyone from five years ago yet, but everyone is too busy trying to not get killed. There's a lot of shouts and screams of both pain and encouragement as Thanos' army fight against us.

As I'm running towards a few of the opposition, I see Pietro's flashes of speed around him.

"Hey, Speedy Gonzalez!" I shout, standing on a mound near him.

"English!" He cheers when he turns around to see me.

"Get over here you idiot," I say as we go to hug each other, "I missed you so much."

"I was gone for like twenty seconds." Pietro replies.

"Pietro," I sigh, "you and everyone else were gone for five years."

"What?!" He shouts in shock.

"Yeah. But there's no- fuck," I dodge some rubble that is thrown at us, "there's not much time to explain."

"See you on the other side?" Pietro asks.

"See you on the other side." I nod as he speeds off and I go in the other direction.

"Mr. Emerson!" A younger voice shouts at me.

"Hey, kid," I turn to see Peter, "you alright?"

"I'm very confused and very tired," he chuckles, "but we're saving the world."

"Hopefully," I smile, "where's Tony?"

"I haven't seen him yet." 

"Alright." I nod again and head off to continue fighting.

As I'm about to get to Bucky, thousands of bullets start firing down on us and I skid underneath a bit of shelter.

"Took you long enough." Bucky says from beside me.

"A 'hello' would be nice." I laugh and roll my eyes.

"What the hell is going on?" He questions.

"The War but on steroids," I laugh, Bucky laughing too, "how are we going to-"

The heavy fire suddenly stops and an eerie silence spreads across the site. The huge ship that had destroyed the compound begins to explode in multiple places, with Carol flying around it.

"Who the hell is that?" Bucky questions.

"Carol Danvers," I reply, "she's awesome."

"Where's Sam?" He asks again.

"Over there," I point to him and Bucky runs that way, "bye then."

I find Pietro with Wanda and help them fight the opposition while watching Tony, Thor and Steve fight Thanos.

"I'll be back in a minute." Wanda says before she flies off to help a couple others.

"Fuck!" Pietro screams in pain and my head instantly turns to him. He stands there with a horrified look on his face, clutching his side in pain.

"No, no, no," I panic and run over to him, "just... take a deep breath or something, breathe."

"Take a deep breath?!" he shouts back, still in pain, "it feels like my insides have been ripped out!"

"You're gonna make it, ok?" I reassure him as he falls onto me. 

"You stay awake!" I shout, lowering him to the ground and resting him on my lap, "don't you dare close your eyes!"

Pietro grows paler and his breaths become sharper and shallower.

"Please! Come on, Speedy!"

"I'm sorry..." Pietro trails off in a painful whisper.

"No!" I yell, hugging him tightly.

The opposition around us begin to fade away and the team look confused. I glance up from Pietro and see Wanda land in front of us.

"I'm so sorry," I sniffle as she kneels beside her brother, "I couldn't save him."

She nods slowly, tears starting to fall down her face. She takes him off my lap and starts whispering in Sokovian to him.

"Laurie." Sam says with a broken look on his face, "it's Tony."

"No, not him too." I panic, getting to my feet and running down to where most of the team are.

"He's already gone-" Steve whispers as I stand next to him.

"No..." I whisper and bury my head in Steves chest as he places his arms around me.

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