Chapter 10

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I hang up the phone and quickly throw on a pair of jeans and a jumper. I have to get to the hospital fast. God knows what that monster has done to her now. I wasn't even aware that he had been let out on bail.

Nicola hadn't been able to give me any details as she'd only just arrived at the hospital herself; the police had contacted her by getting the shelter's phone number from Cheryl's mobile.

Running downstairs, I quickly grab my keys and handbag off the hallway table before slipping on my coat and dashing out the front door.

The roads are fairly quiet so it only takes me fifteen minutes to get to the hospital. Thankfully there weren't any police cars or speed cameras around because I'm sure I went over the limit once or twice. Finally reaching the hospital, I park the car and ran inside towards A&E.

"Cheryl Cole" I yell at the receptionist, showing my work ID, "where is she?"

The woman taps away on her keyboard, and I anxiously fiddle with my fingers as she pulls up Cheryl's details.

"Room 302" she eventually tells me, "down the corridor and to your left"

"Thanks" I call over my shoulder as I charge towards her room

Turning the corner, I spot Nicola and a police officer standing outside Cheryl's room.

Nicola is sat on a chair filling in some hospital forms but stands up when she sees me coming down the hallway, her eyes are glassy and I can tell she has been crying.

"How is she?" I ask, my heart pounding

"Not good" Nicola says, showing me the consent form she was signing, "She needs an operation"

"Oh God!" I gasp, "What did he do to her?"

"Her arm is broken; she needs surgery to realign the bone properly. The doctor told me it was most likely caused by twisting her arm with some force. That bastard husband of hers must have tried to stop her getting away from him. She has some internal bleeding and head trauma too" Nicola wipes at her tear-filled eyes and I rest a hand on her shoulder, "He just left her for dead Kimberley"

"How did this happen?" I bark at the police officer, "Why wasn't I told her husband had been released?"

The officer merely shrugged his shoulders, "Probably a computer error"

"Well because of that computer error there's a young woman in there who has been beaten almost to death!" I snap, although it's not really that particular officer's fault but I'm so angry that I need someone to blame, and right now it's him.

Wisely, he doesn't answer me; he just moves further along the corridor, giving me and Nicola space to talk in private.

I peer through the window into Cheryl's room. She is lying in the bed hooked up to various monitors and machines; even from out here in the corridor I can hear the steady beeping of the ventilator that is breathing for her and helping keep her alive at the moment.

"Have you been in to see her yet?" I ask Nic

"Yeah" she nods, "I came out just before you got here. The doctor wanted me to sign these forms so that they can operate on her first thing in the morning. I tried getting in touch with her parents but couldn't get through."

"It wouldn't surprise me if they want nothing to do with her" I say, shaking my head sadly, "Some people can't deal with this stuff. It has probably been hard for them to watch a bully like Ashley beat up their daughter; only for her to go running back to him every time"

Nicola gives me a look

"Sorry" I shrug, "Those are my issues, not hers. Keep on trying to get a hold of them."

"I will" Nicola nods, "Listen babe, I've really got to be getting back to the shelter. Will you be ok here on your own?"

"Yeah" I say, "I'm just going to pop in and see her for a bit, then I'll head home and come back in the morning."

"Ok" Nicola hugs me, "don't stay too long though. I'm just going to hand these to the doctor and I'll be off home. Ring me if there's any news"


Nicola kisses my cheek and walks down the corridor. When she is out of sight, I take a deep breath and reach for the door handle of Cheryl's room.

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