Unexpected Company.

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The vision hunt decree had been abolished, all the clans have been very busy trying to clean up the mess that happened because of it, and the military had their own problems that needed solving. Thankfully, the peace negotiations had gone well, and although there are some loose ends that still need fixing, the tension had gone low and there wasn't any sign of surprise conflict, so Kujou Sara didn't have too much to worry about... That was worrisome by itself.

His brother was doing what he could to restore the Kujou clan's honor, and of course she was helping, but... Now that she had time to actually think about things instead of running around without a break, the doubts started to creep in, and rapidly.

Sara had no choice but to think about how much she influenced things in the war due to her blind faith on the Raiden Shogun and his father, and how much she.. Made people suffer, all because she didn't dare speak her own mind and followed orders quietly without saying anything.

People lost their ambitions thanks to her, and although most of them had already got them back, some of them.. Couldn't live without them, and that burden laid on her shoulders. Sure, not all of it, a lot of soldiers acted out of orders and were crueler than they were allowed to, but she was still their general, and the criticism laid on her nonetheless.

And there was a lot of it.

She couldn't go anywhere without some judging stares looking at her, she knew to pay them no mind but after a while they started to get overwhelming, even more so when she needed to go to Watatsumi Island due to diplomatic reasons with the Divine Priestess, where they practically were sending threats with their eyes. She also heard the gossip about her, that she enjoyed the war and wanted it to continue so she could keep on killing and destroying, or that she was planning to start another war with different reasons, or that the Kujou clan made a deal with the Onis so they could take Inazuma for themselves because of the...

Whatever, they were pretty stupid and baseless as most gossip is, but that didn't stop people from believing them.

But she managed, Sara needed to stay strong so she could finish things and maybe make things easier for her brother and their clan, so Inazuma could enjoy an almost total peace again, so everyone would.. Stop.


Staying strong was tiring. She needed some sake.

Thaaat didn't help. At all.

The doubts only got stronger.

... Was she really worthy of the Kujou name? After all she's done? She didn't even know if the so-called peace would really last, or that she could be even of any help with anything. If she were gone, they could easily find a new general and nothing would change, and honestly, with her being gone, her brother might actually have things easier now that such a burden would get out of the way.

No. She wasn't going to think like that. She needed to.. Who was she kidding? If she kept going like this, it's only a matter of time until she collapses or gives up. What she needed was... Time. Yeah, that, she needed time to think. Alone. Maybe that would help her decide what to do next.

The troops could live a few days without her.

And so, in the middle of the night, she went off without leaving a trail, leaving only a note.

"Do not search for me.
I will be back when I decide to.
⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ Sara."


"Seems the Surname was scraped off." Said Akira, kneeling in front of the letter. "You sure about this, boss? If they found us intruding here, even Shinobu is going to have problems trying to get us out of jail." He started looking around nervously, as if his own words made him uneasy.

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