Chapter 5 Felicias POV

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Guess whos back back back, back again gain gain i am back back back tell a friend wooo Im baaaaaack! Sorry I was in Irvine and Arcadia California Thursday to Sunday! I went to this college in Irvine Friday and Huntington beach. Yeah hungtington beach for those who live around there know what it was like Friday. I was forced and so I walked around the whole time. And then went to the pier for dinner. And then Saturday and Sunday I was in Arcadia so yeah anyways im baaaack! And its like 10pm Thursday night omg I feel so bad Ive been busy with my sister these days too. But here it is!  I am so sorry guys. Oh and unedited so sorry for typos


"Hey guys Im going to work out." Shelby told us running downstairs

"I think Ill go with you, hang on!" I told her running upstairs to change. Its been a good couple of days. Weve all just hung out and joked around. But we also ate a lot so I definitely needed to work out.

"Im ready!" I yelled running down the stairs and put on my shoes

"Alright lets go." She said opening the door

"So what did you do last night?" I asked her wondering if shed tell the truth

"Oh you uh know nothing." She said clearly lying

"Uhhuh. I heard pitch perfect playing at like 2am." I told her as we walked into the elevator

"Oh yeah Cameron came and watched it with me." Wait what.

"Cameron as in Chris's Cameron?" 

"Uh yeah..."

"Is there anything going on between you and Cameron?" I asked her getting tense. I dont even know why. Just knowing they were out late together bugged me badly.

"Uh no. Why would there be? We are just friends." She told me making me want to sigh in relief.

"Oh okay just wondering you know." I said before looking off to the side

"No way."


"You like Cameron!" She shouted. What? No. I couldnt. Could I?

"Ha no what why would I like Cameron? I dont even know the kid." I told her fake laughing

"oh my god you like cameron."

"Shut up shelby."

"Okay okay." She said before getting her phone out. Making me get mine out too. I got on tumblr and started reblogging photos as the doors opened.

"Ready?" She asked me as we stepped out.

"Yup lets go work out." I told her throwing my hair up into a high ponytail and running to the doors

"YES AN EMPTY GYM!" She shouted as we entered making me laugh. As she walked over to the tridmill I walked over to this big empty space to stretch and then started making up dance moves to the Taylor Swift song that was playing.

"Hey Cam." I faintly heard Shelby say in the background making me look up into the mirror from the ground and I saw Cameron and Chris. Right as I looked up, Cameron looked up into the mirror and we connected eyes.

"Hey!" He said to her as I pulled out my headphones and got up to greet him.

"Hey." I told him nodding to him as he walked up

"Hey Felicia. How are you?" He asked starting to stretch. There were weight machines next to me for him to work out with.

"Im good how are-" I told him but then I heard Chris shouting.

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