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Five years ago the royal family King Maximus, Queen Sarah, and their oldest and next in line for the throne Prince Samuel to the kingdom to the south where he was meant to meet the one who was to be his mate the dragoness Stair Fire, she was said to have beautiful greeneye as a human and her dragon a deep sapphire blue. My Mother QueenSarah, her dragon was white opal white, hazel eyes, my father the proud King who was getting ready to step down and let my Brother take the throne well he was a Black Dragon with eyes blue like the ocean as mom would say. Oh yeah, then there's me the youngest well I am Prince Ryder, my dragon is a mix of black like my father and blue like my grandmother on my mother's side of the family. Now here I sit on the throne unprepared now turning of age for the crown unlike most for our kingdom to crown a new king that king must be at least 19 years old. That means I lost everyone I cared for at the age of 14. I wasn't the same I lashed out at everyone and they took it no one stood in the way of Pendragonwhen he took over most of the time I would find myself in the field where we found my family, every year we would come here and burn the grass and what little samplings had tried to grow. This pain has not gone away or gotten easier to deal with if anything it's gotten worse. Who would want the broken king as a mate?


Five years, the young Prince has grieved his family, Five years of hell for our pack and kingdom, My father the leader of the guard at the time stepped down from his role having me take over and he and my grandfather try to console the young Prince, many times he's flown off to that spot, Pendragon and Ryder can't let it go and it's slowly killing him, He's no longer the little nerd that was always in a book. Now he's cold and hurting lashing out at everyone for the smallest things. He's of age now maybe he will find his mate and they can tame the dragon in him and help him move on. If not I fear that we may have to take him down, for some reason, Night doesn't like that though, he growls at me for it, but surely the moon goddess would mate me to Ryder, I am now 22 at 18 wolves can sense their mate but nothing and it hurts, I have traveled a lot with Ryder as his guard, not that he needs it but just as back up. Though no one has been brave enough to come to him since the funeral service for his family maybe they know what's wrong and are giving him time maybe they fear him it's hard to say. Slowly this once-proud dragon had given into this shell of bitterness. I only hope his mate is strong and can put him back together once more and bring the kind dragon I knew and cared about back then.

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