sydney chandler

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Hello my friends,
as a louis writer i feel as though i should engage in his life somehow. you may have noticed, but i have taken a rather large hiatus as i have lost interest in louis (pretty obviously considering it's coming up to 2 years since i started this) and i honestly hasn't seen much of him in the media until now.
Louis has a girlfriend (i'm 99.9% sure it's his girlfriend) and her name is sydney chandler, a 26 year old woman.

usually, i would not engage in the lives and personal relations of the celebrities i find myself fawning over however this particular case has gotten me thinking.

firstly, i think the relationship is very weird (not that it's any of my business) and i do not condone it.

louis is 18 years old.
sydney is 26.
she called him 'baby boy' when he was 17 and waited until 18 to date him.
i find this very strange and very predatory like.

i'm not going to pass anymore judgement on the matter however i'm going to leave you with this:

what if the genders were reverse in this situation? let's think of olivia rodrigo and her 24 year old ex (i think).

the media (rightfully) sparked uproar but for louis, a boy, nothing?

i think it's very telling of our society today, don't you?

anyway, please let me know your thoughts.

no hate to louis in particular of course, it's all just a bit weird.

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