139: Another Qiao An

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"Hey, you can't get the attention of the high-level people if you live here, you should try to live in a place close to the high-level people!" The voice continued to sneer. It looks so hoarse, if the second person listens, it will definitely cover their ears in discomfort.

"But I don't have the strength." The cloaked man pursed his lips helplessly.

He also knew that what the system said was the truth, but he really couldn't do it.

He has nothing.

Qiao An sighed.

"Why do you think I became like this? Since you are the system, can you help me check what happened before?" Qiao An was extremely puzzled.

When he woke up, he found himself in a pile of strange creatures. Although luckily he was not bitten by those monsters, he was in severe pain. The flesh on his arms, hands, feet, and body were all burnt and still falling. Skin, no wonder it hurts so much!

Not only that, Qiao An also found that his voice was burnt out, hoarse and unpleasant, almost unable to speak!

How is this going?

Then a voice appeared in his head, which was exactly the same as his, and this voice claimed that he was the system and was here to help him, because the Tao of Heaven had chosen him.

Then the system introduced him to the things of this world, the general situation, the zombies, etc., and also helped him escape the attack of the zombies.

Since many things happened exactly as the system said, Qiao An also trusted the system more and more.

The only thing that made Qiao An uncomfortable was his appearance of being neither human nor ghost.

He didn't understand, he was at home when he fainted, how could he become like this for no reason?

When asked here, the sound of the system in Qiao An's mind paused, and snorted coldly, the sound was unpleasant like a ghost crying, "The ghost knows what you have done yourself, and the system does not know, I am when you wake up. I was assigned to you in a split second, you ask me, who should I ask?"

Qiao An choked.

The system was short-tempered, and he didn't dare to ask any more questions.

"Hey, you just need to remember a little bit, kill that villain Qin Xiaohan, and you can live well in this world! Find a way to get close to Lei Ming, the person in charge of the Central China Base, he is the male protagonist, and your task is to support him. To save this collapsed world, once the mission is unsuccessful, you will be obliterated, and it will be so serious that you will lose your spirits! Do you understand?!"

"I know."

Listening to the mission released by the system, Qiao An went to take a shower. 

He is just an ordinary young man, and now he is even more disfigured, and he does not know how he can complete the task?

Qiao An sighed in distress.

Hearing his sigh, the expression of the soul living in his head twisted.

--I saw that in the sea of ​​consciousness that no one could see, his soul was floating in the gray-white air. His appearance was exactly the same as Qiao An, and even the scars on his body were exactly the same, it was like the same person.

The only difference is that the real Qiao An has a quiet and cowardly temperament, while this soul is extremely irritable, and even the aura it exudes is negative.

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