New Earth

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[Powell Estate]

(The Doctor, Maddie, and Y/N are starting to power up the Tardis, while outside Jackie and Mickey are with Rose and Loki, who has a heavy rucksack on their backs.)

JACKIE: Have you 2 got everything?

ROSE: We've got everything, don't worry.

JACKIE: Be careful.

LOKI: You'll have to call Mo about that

JACKIE: Oh, never mind Mo.

ROSE: Okay, we're going now. I love you!

JACKIE: I love you.

LOKI: Love you, love you.

(She kisses Mickey.)

MICKEY: Love you.

ROSE: Bye.

(Jackie turns her back and walks away as the Tardis dematerialises. Mickey watches, sadly.)


LOKI: So where are we going?

DOCTOR: Further than we've ever gone before.

[New Earth]

(The Tardis has materialised across the river from a massive city. Flying cars zoom overhead.)

MADDIE: It's the year five billion and twenty three. We're in the galaxy M87, and this? This is New Earth.

ROSE: That's just. That's just

Y/N: Not bad. Not bad at all.

LOKI: That's amazing. I'll never get used to this. Never. Different ground beneath my feet, different sky. What's that smell?

DOCTOR: Apple grass.

ROSE: Apple grass.

MADDIE: Yeah, yeah.

LOKI: It's beautiful. Oh, I love this. Can I just say, travelling with you 3, I love it.

Y/N: Us too. Come on.

[Basement room]

(A humanoid with interesting sepia markings is watching the Doctor, Maddie, Y/N Loki and Rose on an electronic crystal ball. He has a gentle Irish brogue.)

CHIP: Human! She's pure-blood human! Closer, closer.

(A metal spider scuttles to obey.)

[New Earth]

(The Doctor, Maddie, Y/N, Loki and Rose are relaxing on their long coats looking at the city.)

DOCTOR: So, the year five billion, the sun expands, the Earth gets roasted.

ROSE: That was our first friendship date.

MADDIE: We had chips. So anyway, planet gone, all rocks and dust, but the human race lives on, spread out across the stars. Soon as the Earth burns up, oh yeah, they get all nostalgic, big revival movement, but then find this place. Same size as the Earth, same air, same orbit. Lovely. Call goes out, the humans move in.

LOKI: What's the city called?

Y/N: New New York.

ROSE: Oh, come on.

DOCTOR: It is. It's the city of New New York. Strictly speaking, it's the fifteenth New York since the original, so that makes it New New New New New New New New New New New New New New York. What?

LOKI: You're so different.

MADDIE: New New Maddie, Doctor, and Y/N.

(The spider is close.)

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