Chapter 1

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Rosaline Gray POV

The windows are clattering due to bone chilling wind blowing through it.

The ceiling corners are moldy, my room door is kind of creaky. There were many other defaults in this newly rented apartment.

Well I knew this place was too good to be true for the price it was mentioned.

Last rented house was way worse than this. I should be grateful it's less problematic than the old one.

The TV was still glitching relentlessly pinning more pain into my head.

I could hear weird noises around my area and I was pretty sure the room next to me had been filming a porn or auditioning for one.

I sigh and grab the boxes and start unpacking my things pretty exhausted to care about anything. 

They say life is too short...when you have a chance live your life, do what you truly love for.

But that was never true in my case, even if I wanted to live my life how I wanted it to be, it was under-achievable.

Even if I had spent most of the years holed up in my room working my ass off, acing all of my courses and being one of the top performing students ever in my degree I still couldn't escape a miserable pathetic life.

I couldn't even get a job in the country where I spent my childhood and got myself educated. 

There was no single soul in this town or next to it, or another next to it wanted to hire me.


Because the Gray family was labelled as a blacklisted family by none other than WOLFF enterprises.

Dylan Wolff...once upon a time employer of my father Ranon Gray. He was the mastermind behind all this mess.

It's because of him my family had torn into many pieces, fallen apart.

My father had been blacklisted by Mr. Wolff since I was 15 years old.


I had no idea. .

My father never willed to share it to me since he thought I was too young for it to worry about.

I was too young to know the exact reason for all this brutality, putting a full stop to my anxiousness and curiosity until that day.

Until that day...

I happened to hear a father's co-worker ranting about how Dylan Wolff was at fault for firing my father.

How a cheap orphanage building constructed by WOLFF enterprises in a name of charity fell apart not less than 10 years killing many children trapped in that building.

To escape the media and accusations, he accused my father who was handling the finances department of WOLFF enterprises.

He accused my father for fraudulent of funds by buying cheaper materials for buildings instead of adequate ones and poor engineering of that charity building.

Whereas everyone in that company knew Wolff had never been truly interested in developing the poor.

How he always looked down on the lower ones.

He personally wanted to go for cheap materials to reduce the costs and get the building done as soon as possible. 

But he used my father as scapegoat fabricating evidences and blacklisting the Gray family forever.

Soon I became an orphan of age 16 who held her 3 yr old brother on her slender arms waiting for the social worker to find us a new home.

What killed me was that the social worker found us a new home just three streets over from where I used to live.

I wasn't even in a position to revolt. If I did my brother would’ve become a loner like me, an outcast like me, a nobody like me.

Well my former foster home was quite a big one. My foster parents seemed like regular rich people and they really loved me and my brother.

I was quite comfortable with my foster home but truth to be told, happiness is not always permanent.

We thought it would be a permanent thing, because that’s what they always told us.

No mention of adoption, of course, but guaranteed to stay together until we foster kids turned eighteen.

Once you hit eighteen, you’re out.

My phone rings, making me flinch for a second. I look through my phone squinting my eyes. It's from Aunt Angela.

My brother's foster care taker.

" Hey Aunt Angela...."

" Hi dear.. How is the new house? I hope you are comfortable with it . " foot...

" It's better than what I imagined it to be. " I said, biting my lips as I looked around with disinterest. 

" Oh honey....if you need my help I'm always here to help you."

" It's fine Aunt Angela, you have done more than enough for us already. I don't want to be a burden again."

" When is my turn coming!! I want to speak to her Aunt Angela! " I heard a small adorable squeaky voice from the other side and I chuckled.

It was my baby brother Jared. He was 10 years old, my world, my little man.

" Alright alright young man here you go." I heard her chuckling as she handed the phone to him.

" Rosieeeeee!! "

" My cupcake!" I squeal with joy.

" I said not to call me that Rossie, I'm a grown man now. " I could imagine his adorable pout and puffed cheeks.

" Of course you are, my little cupcake." I tease him, earning a cute growl from him.

People say if there's a headache or your brain is exhausted you need therapy, you need meds, you need every f***ing thing.

But for me... Jared's voice is enough for me to forget everything. Put a smile on my face. Jared is my own special pill. My happy pill.

" How was your school today? Had fun???"

" Uh huh , I got A+ in my maths test Rossie! I'm going to study hard and be big person just like my Rosie is. "

His words struck a chord, bringing me back to the dreadful life I had been suffering.

Reminding the past where I never wanted to look back.

I was no big person.... I wasn't what Jared thought how cool I was.

I...I was a nobody. Invisible to many. I have nothing to be proud of. No normal life nor freedom. I was miserably stuck here.

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