Chapter 6

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"Izumi let's go! We have the exams today!" honestly speaking I didn't want to get up. Ten months ago I had made the decision to go to UA and accept the recommendation since it's a rare chance. Although technically speaking when you're recommended you're already technically in they still have to determine whether to but you in class 1-A, 1-B, or 1-C which is general studies

Therefore the way the entrance exams work is basically you do a writing portion and then a physical one meaning you'll be using your quirks they call it a practical exam. Your entrance all depends on the practical to be technical if it's combat the Izuku might not pass but I have high hopes only because he just got his quirk from All Might this morning

The recommendation exams are slightly different we do the written exam but the practical is different not sure what though but I know we have to use our quirks

The point is no matter how strong you are if your quirk doesn't meet the criteria kiss your chances of being in UA gone.

Okay let's go get this over with no?

Time skip

I walked next to Izuku with my mask on silently laughing like an idiot. All of this is because of the simple fact that All Might made him eat his hair. He was like "eAt ThIs" lmao I had to turn around to stop myself from straight out laughing on some Kuroo Hyena laugh stuff.

"Zumiii it's not funny!" he whined covering his face with his hands. I snorted and composed myself as to not embarrass my shy and timid brother anymore. "I'm sorry you're right...." he looked at me and sighed relieved "it's hilarious" I laughed again before finally stopping since we were at the school

"Hey why are you back to your stoic personality?" I deadpanned stop his question. "I have a reputation to upkeep and that means I can't be seen laughing, smiling, giggling, chuckling or anything that involves showing any kind of happiness unless I'm smirking" I said walking towards the front Izuku began mumbling about how worried he was causing him to fall

Thankfully a brunette with naturally pink cheeks and short hair saved him. "W-What?" Izuku said getting flustered as I internally cackled like a madwoman. "Sorry for using my quirk on you without your permission" she said letting him down and introducing herself

"My names is Uraraka Ochaco" she smiled brightly making me scrunch up my nose. "Um I'm just going to go Goodluck Zuku" I waved over my shoulder before heading to the room for recommended students.

Upon arriving I was tackled by someone looking up I saw a black ponytail that I'm used to. "Izumi you came!" she cheered as I pursed my lips refusing to chuckle or giggle. "Yep sorry for not telling you it was supposed to be a surprise" I said doing that hand motion SpongeBob did with his hands when he made a rainbow

"Well now we can be hero's together so let's go!" she said eagerly I was about to walk away when a hand grabbed mine causing us to halt in our steps. "Hm?" I turned around seeing a boy with half white half red hair, a scar over his left eye, and heterochromatic eyes one grey and one blue

In all honesty if I thought Akaashi was beautiful looking at the person in front of me I can't say he isn't as well.

When he grabbed my hand there was like a tingling feeling on my hip where my soulmate mark is my eyes widened a bit but I decided to think about that later the boys eyes widened as well meaning he possibly felt the same thing

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