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          The rest of the train ride I was thinking about what Luna said? What did she mean by she could see my powers? I didn't talk much , instead I listened to the group talking about things they've done. They were telling me about a three-headed dog named Fluffy when the train stopped. 

"We're here I think." Neville said as he stood up.

"I can't wait to see Snape."George started.

"And tell him his daughter fancies us."Fred finished.

"Good luck with that"I said laughing at the two.

As we made our way to the school I was nervous. 

"What if I'm not put in Slytherin?"

"What if I am though?"

"What if they can't pick one for me."

"What if I'm not what people expect?"

"What if they hate me because I'm a Snape?"

"Y/n it's gonna be fine."Neville said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"You're right."I said not completely believing it myself. 

"This is where we part."Neville said and hugged me leaving me looking up at an older lady with one of the tightest buns I've ever seen. 

"Miss.Snape, you'll be going before the first years.Seeing how you're the only third year joining us. I hope you'll be able to stay at this school and not cause trouble."She said eyeing me up and down. 

"Oh of course Miss. I'd never cause trouble. I'm quite the angel you know."I said with gritted teeth. 

She pushed me to the big front doors and told me what to do. That old bat is bossy. Maybe it's because her bun's so damn tight. I made my way down to the front of the room and heard whispers. I looked at Neville and he gave me a smile reassuring me. As I got closer I looked at my dad and he nodded at me. This is it huh. 

"Y/n Snape."The old lady said. Now how did she get here?She was just at the door.

I sat on the stool as she grabbed an old hat.

  Huh probably as old as her.

She sat the hat on my head and THE THING STARTED TALKING TO ME.

"Ah you're smart, very smart Ravenclaw could suit you nice.But there's more you're brave as a lion Gryffindoor would be a great fit.But you have some of the rawest kindness I can tell. When you care for one you care hard. Hmm I could see you in Hufflepuff."

"Like hell I'll be in Hufflepuff." I blurted out causing laughter from around the room.

"You're right only one place for you. Slytherin!"He shouted. 

The Slytherin table stood up and cheered. I turned to face my father and he nodding his head and gave me a small smile.Merlin's beard was I nervous. I made my way to the table  taking the first empty seat I could find. I sat next to a dark haired boy who couldn't take his eyes off the table. Soon all of the first years were sorted into their houses.Suddenly a bunch of food pooped up on the table. And I mean A LOT. The whole table was full of different types of food. I made a plate and started eating when I felt a tap on my shoulder. 

I turned around and what do you know. Standing there was Malfoy. 

"You should join us down there."He said pointing to the rest of the group I met on the train.

"You know I just might have to pass on that."I said. 

He smacked the kid next to me on the back and told him to move. 


"Need I remind you that you bullied my best friend?"

"Well I'll stop."

"Sure Malfoy I bet you will."

"No I will."


"Our fathers want us to get along or something of that sort."

"Well I'm not sitting with you or speaking with you till you apologize to Neville."

"Really Snape , why would I do that."

"Then bye."I said turning around.

"No fine I'll do it after dinner.But you have to sit with us for me to do it."

"Hmmm fine. Shake on it?" I asked.


We shook hands and I muttered a curse. 

"Just so you know if you break the promise you'll have warts all over your body and your hair is going to fall out."I said walking over to where he was sitting earlier. 

I placed myself next to Zabini and the brunette I saw earlier. 

I looked over to Neville and he seemed concerned. I mouthed I'll tell you later." and continued to eat. Let's see if Malfoy could keep his word. 

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