Divulging paths

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In the opulently decorated Malfoy Manor, Lucius Malfoy sat next to his wife as she recounted on the letters sent to her by their two wondrous sons.

They had just returned from one of those muggle stage performances, what were they called again? Theatre? He was impartial to them but he could never ever say no to his wife who seemed to enjoy them.

Back onto topic as he focused on listening, fell knew, not even Narcissa would know that whenever Elan and Draco would openly talk about every single adventure they went on each year, he would feel proud and...slightly jealous.

His parents were the old fashioned pureblood type and left him with little to no choice in each and every single one of his decisions. Luckily, the one thing they did right was introducing him to Narcissa. Feelings were often not considered in the arranged marriages of his peers, why would it be?

However, his attention shifted from Narcissa as he suddenly felt an unknown presence residing in his home, it was so miniscule that a less discipline wizard would have no doubt missed it. His eyes soon shot up as he suddenly stood up.

"Lu?" Narcissa asked in a concerned tone.

"Stay right here and get the Floo active just in case." He called out as he whipped out his wand while walking out the living room.

Staring at the dark unlit stairwell, the man slowly walked up. Reaching the apex of the stairwell, Lucius noticed the room to his study was left slightly ajar. It had been sealed tight when he had left the manor earlier in the evening. Lightly pushing it, he stepped into the dark room, lit only by the lamp on his desk.

Sitting on the 'guest' chair was a figure that sat straightly in a relative relaxed fashion.

"You know Lucius...it's been a while since I've gotten a challenge through infiltrating such complex wards."

The man with thick dark hair with streaks of silver grey partially covering his left eye said with a smirk as Lucius slowly took his seat across from him.

"Merlin...Antonin...It is you." He breathed.

"In the flesh." Antonin Dolohov made a wave gesture with his hand.

"You're looking well...for a fugitive." Lucius said slowly.

"You know me, the best way to hide something is putting it in plain sight." Antonin replied as he conjured two glasses with his wand while he placed a bottle of amber liquid on the table.

"You felt it too didn't you...it has been increasing since the start of the year." He said as he poured the liquid into the two glasses.

Lucius said nothing as he downed the shot.

"How's the family?" Antonin inquired as he too downed his shot before pouring the two of them another glass.

"Good, I feel as if I died this very moment, I can be happy that I have met Narcissa and raised two sons who are better than I could ever be." Lucius confessed, eyes staring into his glass before he downed it.

"I see." His guest responded before mirroring the action.

"I saw him...yesterday, after going to see Alexandra." Antonin whispered.

"Did he notice you..." Lucius asked quietly, knowing how sensitive the topic of his son was to the man sitting before him. A

humorless laughter was his response. "He's inherited my talent, of course he did."

There was a certain sense of pride in the man's tone.

"The mark is getting clearer...you know what that means don't you, Lucius?" Antonin continued, "He's going to return...one way or another...this year."

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