Giving Up

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"What do you mean I won't like it, Jungkook?" He slid me from his lap and began to get dressed.  My breathing hitched as tears began to well up in my eyes. 

He's going to leave me, I thought in misery.

"Jungkook?" I squeaked out quietly.

"I'm sorry, Jimin.  This is just something that I have to do.  I hope you won't hate me for this," he replied vaguely, tucking his shirt into his trousers before zipping his boots. 

He squared his shoulders and walked from my room.  I hastily threw on my clothes and trailed behind him, feeling a million miles away from him.  He caught up with his father who was on his way to pack his chambers and grabbed his shoulder, twisting the king around to face him.  I watched in shock as he did, pointing a finger into his father's face.

"I'm not going anywhere.  I'm staying here with Jimin and I'm going to be with Jimin," he stated as a matter-of-fact.

His father's face once again became as red as a tomato as he burst out, "Now, listen to me-"

He was cut off by Jungkook. "No, you listen to me!  I will not be going back to West Busan anytime soon.  Maybe never again if you don't let me stay willingly.  I will not take a wife.  I will not give you a grandson.  I will not be used as stud horse!  I'm your son, dammit!  You should want me to be happy!"

"You will be happy with your future wife!" He began.

Once again, Jungkook cut him off.  "I would not be happy if I were forced to have a wife.  I have already told you that I have no interest in women.  Being with a woman would be torture for her and for me.  If you won't let me be with Jimin because of my duties as Prince of West Busan, then I will no longer be the Prince of West Busan.  If you don't agree and give your blessing to our relationship, then I forthwith abdicate my rights to the throne of West Busan!" 

Jungkook's strong determined tone.  The King of West Busan's flash of fear, anger, and surprise across his face.  My world tilted on it's axis as I took in the scene with horror.  Jungkook was willingly giving up his throne, his life...all for me.  I didn't deserve this.  I couldn't let him do this.

The thought snapped me back to reality as my feet moved me forward, interjecting myself into the conversation.

I gripped his bicep and pleaded, "Jungkook, you can't.  You can't give up everything for me.  I can't let you do that."

That seemed to awaken the king from his own shock.  "That's the first bit of sense I've heard in this entire nonsense conversation.  I knew you could stand to learn a thing or two from Prince Jimin.  He understands the duties of a prince.  He will do what is necessary of his position."

I turned to the man seething with rage.  "I absolutely will not be 'doing what is necessary of my position,' sir.  I do understand the duties of a prince, but I also understand the duties of a father.  Duties that you are far from fulfilling right now."

Once again, the man was flabbergasted and merely stared at me.  Jungkook beamed down at me and tugged me into his side by my waist.

"What a man," he whispered to himself a little dazed.  To his father he repeated, "I abdicate my throne from this day forward should you choose to continue to deny me my relationship with Jimin.  What do you say of it?"

His father's face betrayed a sadness before he schooled his expression into a careful, deliberate hardness once more.  "I say nothing of it.  I say nothing at all to banished ex-princes.  You are hereby stripped of your title as Prince of West Busan and as my son.  You will be granted none of your belongings or entry into the country from this moment on.  Should you ever come to see reason and wish to regain your title, you may petition me in a letter promising your compliance with my rules.  Until then, I have only two sons now.  Goodbye, Jungkook."

With that, he turned with a flare of his red velvet cape and returned to his chambers.  Jungkook stared after him, mouth open and tears flowing.  I slipped my arms around him and held him tightly as he crumbled into my embrace and wept.


My own father disowned me.  Banished me.  Stripped me of my title.  He would rather see me miserable with a woman's body forced onto my own against my will than to ever see me again.  I was such a disappointment to him that he'd rather I never be in his presence again if I continued to love the man I loved.  

My heart was broken and I had officially and irreversibly just given up everything I had ever known.



This is really how it is for some people coming out to their parents.  It breaks my heart.  If you're one of those people and you don't have a mom, dad, sister, brother, friend, etc...guess what...I'll be that for you now!

I'm your new mom/dad/sister/brother/friend, etc.  Now come here and lemme give you a hug and a cheek kiss!


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