163: Decisive Battle

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That day, Fatty and Huang Mao went to fetch the ingredients, feeling a little weird, like being watched.

"Hey." Huang Mao raised his eyebrows at the fat man. 

The two of them had a good understanding of each other. At the same time, they took a dozen steps forward while pretending not to care. Then, they turned back suddenly, and bumped into two people who were peeking at them.

After being caught by them, the two ran away with their heads lowered, but they were recognized by Huang Mao, who sneered, "It's Liang Gang's."

Fatty is very sensitive to the name Liang Gang, because this is their boss' biggest enemy, it was him who was in the middle of it, which made their situation a lot more difficult, so when they heard about Liang Gang,  they suddenly felt a lot of energy.

"I'll call the boss." Fatty took out his phone and called Qin Xiaohan.

However, it was ruthlessly cut off.

Huang Mao cleared his throat and said, "I admire your courage, you dare to call the boss at night, the boss can't pick up, it's even more unlucky to pick you up, I respect you as a man."

Fatty: "..."

Why didn't you say it earlier?

The two took the ingredients back to the villa, but quietly observed the situation in the villa opposite, the lights were bright, it seemed that the boss and sister-in-law were still working hard.

Xiao Min and Liu Wu had already gone to rest. The two of them saw Liu Wu enter Xiao Min's room with their own eyes and never came out again.


So it's only the two of them who are single?

The two squatted at the door melancholy, feeling that they were isolated from the world.

On the other side, the two younger brothers went back and reported something to Liang Gang, "Boss, Qin Xiaohan's younger brother really went to get the ingredients, and they were sneaky, as if they really didn't want to be discovered, we almost got caught, we ran away quickly."

A sneer appeared on Liang Gang's swollen face, "Of course Qin Xiaohan didn't dare to let people know about this, so he was sneaky. You did a good job, go get the reward!"

It is confirmed that Qin Xiaohan really has no space - if there is space, there are so many ingredients in Qin Xiaohan's space, where do you need to go to the base canteen to get it? 

So his space is really that jade pendant, and now it's in his hands!

With greed in Liang Gang's eyes, he tried again to drip his blood on the jade pendant, looking forward to its response.

As a result, the jade pendant remained unchanged, and Liang Gang's face showed disappointment.

It would be great if the jade pendant space belonged to him, it would be a lot of wealth inside!

The keyboard started to click [Tsk, why are you in a hurry, as long as you kill Qin Xiaohan, this jade pendant will of course be yours. 】

"Yes, yes, I don't know what your plan is next?"

[You directly tell Qin Xiaohan's loss of space, and those in charge of the base will naturally stand by you. Launching an attack, it is expected that Qin Xiaohan will not be able to resist the power of so many of you! ]

Liang Gang's eyes lit up, "You're right! Anyway, I only want the resources of Huaning Base. If those survivors know each other, I will naturally send vehicles to help them evacuate. But if they don't know each other, then go to dust with Qin Xiaohan! [

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