Chapter 23

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Limping and clutching on to his dear dog taehyung reaches the shaddy side of the town the one his hyungs crossed just a few minutes ago

I just need someone to take me to the hotel... Or a phone or or anything...

Desperately he looked around trying to see if he could find any any sort of help

Little yeontan kept whimpering in his clutch..."yes yes baby we will be there soon" assured taehyung

"hey you!" an old man with torn clothes and dirty beard called him out.. Taehyung immediately turns around and looks at him

"hi umm hi can i-i neeed" he stutters trying hard to form word but thanks to his dry throat it wasnt being much of a help

"what are you doing around my house?? " he says and taehyung looks at what he was calling a "house", it was basically a small tent made of old ragged clothes but right now that is not is concern

"look i dont know where i am i need.." before he could finish the man walked a bit closer to him which made taehyung scrunch his nose due to the strong alcoholic smell

"aren't you that Korean guy??" he said looking really close at his face... "yeah yeah i recognize you" he started laughing showing his dirty half broken teeth

"you cant stop me love me myself ooo ooooo" and he started doing the "idol" step, well he tried with his wobbly moves

Taehyung laughed nervous "yeah yeah" he again looked here and there

"yeah man you guys are so coool" he kept moving dancing sloppily

"look i really need to get h-home"

"wait" he got closer and touched his forehead, immediately his happy expression was replaced with concern "man are you hurt?" there was a genuine concern in his voice

"please i need to go ho-oome"

"THERE YOU ARE!!!" a voice echoed in that are making both the man turn to its source. Taehyung's eyes widened in fear as he held on to his dear dog

There stood Nora in her silk full sleeve black gown. Her hair was all messy and half her face was covered with blood owing to the blow tae made on her head.

As a reflex taehyung immediately let yeontan go just so that at least that dog can be safe.

Nora advanced towards him and was about to grab him when the man stood in the middle "hey hey stop what are doing" he asked standing in front of taehyung

"Get out of my way" she said through the gritted teeth eyes still stuck on tae

"are you the one who hurt him?" he asks but she still looks at tae with anger in her eyes

"yes yes she" says taehyung

The man just gives a last glance to Taehyung and holds Nora strongly "then you run man run i will protect you from her"

"thank you" and taehyung starts running away not before he hears the man scream

"Taehyung you are the star in my universe"

Jungkook looks around the house and his heart his all swelled when he sees blood dried up in so many places.

Seokjin tries to be strong after all he is the eldest, but he just can't hold his tears once they reach the room where their precious tae was held captive

Jimin sees the ropes and immediately breaks down and hugs namjoon who tries to console him

Jungkook just looks around his doe eyes filled with tears. He feltnlike he could hear his Taehyung's desperate sobs

I am sorry i am so sorry i couldn't do anything for you
You suffered all alone and i just couldn't even protect you or save you
I am so so sorry tae...

Tears kept rolling down his cheeks but his face remained stoic.

"kook" Seokjin wrapped his one hand around his arm and stroke his hair with the other

"he-he suffered so-oo much i could not do an-anything" there was a lump in his throat as he spoke through those trembling lips

Suddenly an officer rushed in that room "Sir"

"what happened?" asks the inspector

"there has been a murder near the old clamton old beggar has been beaten to death and the witnesses said it was a woman who then ran away from there.... The description matches our suspect"

Jungkook's head abruptly snapped towards him as soon as he finished the last sentence

"its Nora" said the inspector "prepare the back up we are going after her"

Just a bit more taehyung..... I will be there soon...

I hope you guys noticed my other story "Mystery of love" 😊 please do give that one a shot as well

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I hope you guys noticed my other story "Mystery of love" 😊 please do give that one a shot as well

And remember your comments are extremely precious for please do let me about your thoughts.... Love ❤️

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