Part 9

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Hop-Pop slowly leaned away from Grime, starring into eachothers eyes softly. "...How uwas it?.." Grime gently enquired.
"I... I um.." Hop-Pop slowly began to blush, his speech becoming more scattered with m? Shyness? Nervousness?

Hop-Pop sighed, letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding, his hand still lingering on Grimes face, his still lingering on Hop-Pops. His demeanour slowly becoming more calm as he sighed. "I..."

"Hopediah?! Grime?! Where are you?! Sylvia's voice echoed like sirens through the house, "Where are you two?! Dinners ready!" Hop-Pop retracting his arm immediately. "I... I think we should go..." he hesitantly, and regretfully sighed. He picked himself up from the bed, rubbing his elbows in attempted comfort.

Grime soon picked himself up too, the two did not dare to look at eachother.

GRIMEPOP FANFIC 🐸💙❤️💚🐸Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz