part 15

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*Hunter pov*

(Happening as Zack and Maya are at the hospital/ this chapter is based off of a TikTok I saw)

I decided to walk home since my house isn't to far from the hospital. It was right across from a train station.

Then a mysterious man slowly walked up to me and he started to speak.

This is what he said as he started to walk past me.

"It's a nice night outside, mind if I join you?" He asked.

"Do what you want to do." I said confused but I didn't really care.

"That's great because, I'm going too." He replied.

I stopped and look at him confused but I shrugged and kept walking with him following me.

"And not to annoy you but I really, gotta ask what a young dude like you doing out by the tracks?" He asked turning around facing towards me and started walking backwards.

I look at him in a funny way and ignore him.

"You waiting on a train?" He says turning back around facing the same way as me.

"Na man let me explain." I said putting my hand on his shoulder then realized he was a stranger, and flee my hand off.

"Alright." He quickly says.

"im mindin' my business
so maybe you should do
the same, i just been witness to
something sick and sadistic,
so twistedly disgusting.
you should feel really lucky you missed it." I say looking straight Infront of me and ignoring his face expressions. There was a moment of silence when he spoke again.

"Oh, but easy with the tounge son, try to listen carefully. What you've seen is scary but nothing compared to me." He said putting his hand on my shoulder.

He continues.

"I can show you something to paint all your dreams haunted." He gave out a pause to look at my horrified face. He continues after that with a smirk.

"I can make you scream if I wanted." He pulled his hand of my shoulder and stopped. I stopped with him and studyed his face there was a scar from the top of his eyebrow cutting down his eye to his lips. He wore a hood so I couldn't really see the rest of his face. But his eyes too. The eye with the scar was light blue and his other was brown. I wonder if it was always like that.

Then he begins to walk again.

"Or I can be your bee in a bonnet, your best friend forever. Two peas in a pod.
Flock'n like birds of a feather." I really didn't get that one but I figured the basics.

He points his finger up to the sky I look up and quickly back down.

"And you never have to need to beg, work or steal." He said using his fingers to count.

I make a extremely slow smirk with him.

"If all this sounds worth it then let's make a deal!" He said backing up and putting his hand out for my to shake.

(Link to my inspiration: )(love y'all)

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