Episode 2: Game 1: Protect the murderer!

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Ayanokoji PoV

" We should go now. Everyone's already gone to the gymnasium. " I told the depressed Horikita, who refused to get up from her seat. Initially, I planned to leave her but I felt that would be too cruel of me to do so.

Horikita and I don't classify each other as ' friends' but I don't feel comfortable leaving her alone like this. Furthermore, the class might lost points if the people decided not to attend and follow Lumine's instructions.

"....." Horikita still didn't respond.

I sighed. I had no time for this. She can grieve his death later but not now.

" This might be insensitive of me but...." I grabbed her arm and forcefully pulled her from her seat. " You can grieve later. This isn't the time."

I expected Horikita to flail around in protest, muttering slurs, and screaming angry sentences in an attempt for me to let her go and leave her alone. I thought that she was the type of girl to do that.

But to my suprise, we made our way to the gymnasium in silence. Of course, I kept my grip on her arm and pulled her along and she didn't fight against it, rather, her face was still sullen and it almost feels like that the Horikita I'm pulling along is nothing but an empty doll.

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