chapter Eleven

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The day after the incident with Jacob and Dan coming over to hang with Ralph , Jacob left frightened by my wolf Lila, and she couldn't be more happy than to see him suffer in fear, but Dan on the other hand stayed behind and left the crescent blood moon pack on his own accord.

I told him that he needed to go back just for dad, but he insisted that he'll tell dad that he left the pack to come and join mine, I tried convincing him to go back home for dad , but he was too stubborn and wouldn't listen , so I did what was best and talked with Lucas if it was okay with him to go with Dan and visit father at the crescent blood moon pack.

He finally gave in with my decision and made sure that Roi, Lex and Andros we're coming along with me just for my safety since Jacob fount out of my about my wolf.

"I had made sure to call the crescent's pack doctor about my and you coming back for father", says Dan as he continues driving , " is that so? What did he have to say "? I asked curiously," he said at first that he needed to speak with the alpha about it, but I mentioned too him that the alpha already knows that we'll be coming along," he says.

"Very well, if it's alright with him", I said as I continued looking out the window.

Time passes by in a bliss................

We managed to make our way too crescent blood moon pack in one piece and parked in the front of the property.

As we got out two guards were already at the ironed gates with wearing black suits and black sun glasses. Like you'd see in spy movies.

"Names"? Asked one of the guards ," names second beta Dan Hanks, this is my sister Luna Elizabeth Hanks and her two guards second commander Andros Lagos and first warrior Laroi Laguna from the dark falls pack", says Dan.

"Very well  , you may enter", says the guard as he opens the gates.

As we entered I gathered all of my surroundings , it has been so long since I've been too this place, the place known as ..........
my birth home.

In the yard their was a large water fountain with geese's in them while their was a flower garden not far from the main gates on my right side , and a long side walk coming from the main gates too the main house itself.

Back home my family and I never stayed in the pack house because dad didn't want too be the late alpha's first beta so he stayed solitude with his family included.

Father managed well in his early years at the pack house before Elina was born, he was the packs too warrior and leader of the new trainee's. Father was also a brilliant man in science he was one of the science professionalist at a major university for wolves.

But when Elina was born mother died giving birth too her and that's when father quit everything.

Mother was a person who was social and outgoing, she was loved by everyone and she was like the star of the place. She outshined everyone and was one of the topped female warriors.

After mother passed everything and everyone became quiet and dull.

As we entered the main house they're were already people waiting for us and it looked liked alpha Jacob , Kristy and two other people were there along with a few maids and butlers.

"Welcome back Dan, I see you've brought company", says the woman wearing all black with blonde wavy hair.
"Hello Mrs Luna Aphrodite it's pleasure to see you again", says Dan as he kneels down a bit.
"Tch, mother this peasant needs to learn her manners for not kneeling down before you", says Kristy which had me raise my eyebrows.

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