15: Traitor.

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Y/n's pov


Mike stabbed the pencil through the paper, just like Mr. Clarke had done.

El slightly jumped back, the pencil too close to her nose for her liking.

"It would take a lot of energy to build a gate like this, but that's what's got to have happened, otherwise what happened... Right?" Mike questioned.

"We just want to know how to open it, and where it is!" Lucas said, obviously annoyed with El's lack of knowledge.

Meanwhile, Dustin was pacing back and forth with a compass in hand.

"Hey Dustin, what are you doing?" I asked.

When he didn't answer the boys started saying his name loudly, trying to get his attention.



"Hey! Dustin!"


He finally looked up, irritated.

"What's up?" I asked curiously.

All of a sudden, he was snapped back into whatever he was doing with the compass and yelled, "I need to see your guy's compasses."

"What?" Lucas asked, his furrowed brows giving away his confusion.

"Your compasses! All of your compasses! Right now!" He yelled.

"Okay, okay! Jeez!" I said, dumping mine out on the D&D table.

Mike and Lucas both gathered all their compasses and threw them on the table.

"They're all facing North, right?" He asked.

"Yeah." Mike and Lucas and I all replied.

"Well, that's not true North." Dustin said.

"What do you mean?" Lucas asked, irritated.

"I mean exactly what I just said! That's not true North! Are you two seriously this dense? The sun rises in the East and it sets in the West, right? Which means, that's true North." Dustin said, pointing to where North was supposed to be.

"So your saying... They're broken?" Mike asked.

Dustin sighed, rolling his eyes at their stupidity.

"Do you guys even know how a compass works? Do you see a battery pack on this?" I explained, picking up a compass and showing it was flat on the bottom. "No, you don't. 'Cause it doesn't need one. The compasses needle is naturally drawn to the earth's magnetic pole."

"Yes!" Dustin said, pointing at me in excitement.

"So what's wrong with them, then?" Lucas asked.

"Well that's what I couldn't figure out, but that's when I remembered you can change the course of a compass with a magnet. If there's a more powerful magnetic field, the needle deflects to its power. And then I remembered what Mr. Clarke said, the gate would have so much power-" Dustin started.

"-It would disrupt the magnetic field." I finished, realizing.

"Exactly, meaning, if we follow the compasses North, it should lead us to the gate." Dustin said.


"How much further?" Lucas complained as we walked along the train tracks.

"I don't know, compasses tell direction not distance." Dustin said irritably.

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