The Day Has Arrived

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It is only mid day, the day before the planned grand event and Ezekiel was already feeling like today would mark the most stressful day of his life. He has had his hands in everything. His continual bouncing from sisters, to brothers, to god mom, to god dad was slowly starting to drive him insane. He finally made it back to his room for a little relaxation before he threw himself back to the wolves. He plopped down on his bed and Ethan walked in. "You know that once you get comfortable someone else will need you. Two of us is not enough," the bot teased Ezekiel. Ethan had become sentient long ago and his teasing has become a regular thing for Ezekiel. So much so that there were times that he forgot that Ethan was his bot and not really his twin. Over the years he had grown accustomed to the bot's company and his presence had significantly lessened the lonely feeling in his chest.  A dry chuckle leaves Ezekiel's tired body. "I'm just ready to get this over with. I'm ready to go home. To get away from all of these people and back to our little slice of heaven. I know that this was my idea but I honestly feel like this isn't the best idea that I could have thought up."  The tiredness and sleepless nights were clouding his brain with worry and doubt. Ethan sat next to him and reassured him that everything would be fine and that after tomorrow the world will begin to become a better, safer place. With those encouraging words Ezekiel shakes out of his pity party and decided to join his god dad to go over his portion of the plan to get to the top of the tube.

James had though of several plans to get into the Texas building mainframe that was a piece of cake. The issue he kept running into was getting to the top of the tube. The tube was highly secured and as if that wasn't enough it was also the highest point on the entire planet. It was originally built to reach past the atmosphere so that the growing smog and miasma didn't interfere with scientists being able to monitor the sun waves after the first flare. This was the only place on the planet that still high grade military protection. It just didn't make sense. If it was just for research why such secrecy what was really going on in there. He had been able to hack some of the security software but it only allowed him to see what the building looked like and what was in the main lobby. The rest of the building was off limits to all personnel and no cambots existed in the other levels of the facility. The first three floors that's all that he could access. He needed to get a bot in there to see what he would be up against so that he could make the final additions to his plan. He had sent a cambot that was similar to the ones already stationed in the tube but it was destroyed. Racking his brain for a lead, an idea, or a break through he came up blank for the tenth time that day. Rubbing his hands down the side of his face he allowed a tired sigh to leave his mouth. He needed a distraction something to recharge his brain and help him think of a new angle to see something he knew he was missing. There was one thing and one thing only that could help brighten his mood. That is his wife's food. With new found excitement and a small grumble from his stomach he found his way to the kitchen. When he made it the sight of his wife and the twins laughing and cooking together made his heart warm. He leaned against the doorway and watched his beautiful family with a content smile on his face. This smile slowly grew into one of mischief. The thoughts of an ingenuous plan was formulating and he had to suppress the laugh that was threatening to bubble up or it would give away his position. He slowly backed out of the doorway and headed to his bedroom to grab a few essentials to carry out his plan. He grabbed a few colorful cubes, whispered for a bot to follow him, and grabbed a holokeyboard. He typed in a few command keys and the bot grabbed a maroon cube, a pink cube, and a green cube and zoomed out of the room. He held a golden cube and whistled loudly on his way back to the kitchen. The whistling immediately caught the attention of his family. By the time he made it to the door they were already looking his way. Valery noticed almost instantly that something was off. "Dear husband what are you planning, you are always up to no good when you stroll around the house whistling. What are you hiding behind your back?" Before she could get another word out the pink and maroon cubes rolled to her feet. She gasped and looked up at her husband just as he squeezed the gold cube. A loud horn sound was released from the golden cube. Then as if it was reacting to the horn the pink released a sticky substance that spread over the entire kitchen and the maroon released a horrible smelling gas. The horn had stopped and the only thing that could be heard was the laughter of James and the sound of feet running towards the kitchen. The green cube had surrounded the kitchen to protect the rest of the house, it also effectively trapped the gas around Valery, Jaden, and Jasmine. Their screams were muffled by the green containment cube. James was on his knees with tears falling down his cheeks from how hard he was laughing. Their faces had gone through so many emotions in such a short time. First was freight from the horn. Next was shock from the cubes being thrown their way from the opposite side of the room. Then the realization and horror at the prank that was being pulled on them. The green containment cube started to soak up the gas and was slowly disappearing. The family inside had tears streaming down their face due to the smell of the gas and the inability to run from it. Just before the containment cube fully disappeared the rest of the family made it and was confused at the sight. It wasn't until it had fully disappeared that they saw and smelled the mess that was the after math of this prank. James had stood and wiped the tears from his eyes and was starting trying to regulate his breathing with his hand on his chest and his laughter was slowly dying down. The scene that stood before the Valentine kids was enough to make them want to hide so that they could laugh without receiving the death that they knew was awaiting James. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE??? JAAAAMMMMESSS WHEN I GET OUT OF THIS I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!!!" Valery yelled at the top of her lungs while she struggled to get close enough to James to strangle him. There was pink goo everywhere. The way that the cube exploded made Valery and Jasmine's hair stand as high as the top of the double stove. Jaden's hair was in spikes around his head like a spiked lion's mane. Their shirts were stuck to them and the appliances. Jaden was frozen in a running motion. One foot was firmly planted on the ground while the other was raised behind him. It had goo connecting it to the counter the floor and the ceiling. Jasmine looked like she was going to be shot her hands were raised above her head and her arms were covered in goo that was connected to her now very tall hair, and both of her legs were firmly gooed to the ground. Valery got the worst of the goo cube since it rolled to her feet before it exploded. She was lifted into the air by the release of the goo and was hanging from the ceiling by her hair and hands. Her feet were off of the ground with a goo stream connecting her to the ground and the bottom cabinets of the kitchen.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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