Chapter 70-Keefe

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"Dude." Keefe stared up at the huge home.

Around him, the boys milled around aimlessly, kicking at broken prices of clay pots, brushing aside fallen pieces of wood. The place had really deteriorated since they had last come.

Like, really deteriorated.

The windows windows were boarded up with planks of wood and steel. The roof was in pieces, brown and green moss covering some parts, and loose shingles hanging off the side of the building on other parts. Water dripped for a broken pipe, and endless drip, drip, drip that was really driving Keefe crazy.

Dex had walked up to the door and was peering through the dusty window next to it. "Should I knock?"

"Is anyone even here?" Keefe said doubtfully. "Looks abandoned."

Fitz shook his head. "No one's been here for weeks, and he wouldn't have left without a fight."

Keefe kicked a shard of clay off the front porch. "Looks like a fight to me."

"Or," Tan said, stretching out the syllable, "They just fell off their hangings with the bad weather." He pointed up, to the chains where the pots must have hung before.

Keefe stared at the house doubtfully. He squeezed past Fitz, who was standing in the middle of the path, and placed a hand don the door.

With a long creeeeeeak it swung open.

Keefe froze. "You know, it looks abandoned. All in favor of leaving, say aye."

Tam scowled, and a rush of shadows swung past Keefe, blowing through his hair. The door swung crazily at the dark 'wind.'

"Dude, the Hair!" He complained.

Tan rolled his eyes and stepped past him, followed closely by Fitz. Only Keefe and Dex remained outside, both uneasily eyeing the dark house.

"You know, in human movies, this is how they die. They walk into an abandoned house and when they hear creaks—"

"Dizznee," Keefe warned. "They're going to force me to walk in, and I don't need the feeling that someone's watching me."

Dex nodded earnestly. "Yeah, well, just remember that you'll be the first one if you're the last one to go in." With that, he waltzed into the house.

Keefe hesitated.

"No freaking way." He muttered. He paused, about to walk out of the yard, but the gate clanged shut behind him. He whirled around.

No one.

"Wait for me!" Keefe yelled, and plunged into the darkness.


"This is so sketchy," Keefe muttered, close on Dex's heels as they looked for Fitz and Tam.

"I doubt anyone's gonna jump out and murder us." Dex reassured him.

It was not reassuring.

"I'm just saying though," he paused to look back at Keefe, "in the event where someone does jump out, I'm shoving you at him and taking off."

"Gee, thanks Dexy." Keefe muttered. Dex shrugged as the turned into what looked like a kitchen. Keefe shivered subconsciously, eyes darting around, noting the sharp knives in the corner.

"You know," he whispered. "I don't think this was a good idea."

Dex nodded, now looking uneasy. "Let's go find the others and get out of here."

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