Christmas with a Malfoy

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It was finally Christmas break and my father told me I HAD to stay at Hogwarts this year since he was staying too. 

Pansy was heading back home as was Blaise. In fact all of my friends were heading home. I thought I was the only Slytherin staying. 

Until I saw a certain blonde sitting in the common room after everyone else had left. 

Seeing as there was nobody else here and I could use some company I decided to try to talk to him. I walked over to him and sat down on the couch next to him. 

"Why haven't you gone home?"I asked trying to start a conversation. 

"Oh,ummm, I don't know actually."He said playing with his ring.



We sat there quite for bit before I talked again. 

"You're rings cute."

"Oh, thanks."

"You know Malfoy I was thinking."

Oh really?"

"Yeah, I was thinking we should go ice skating. "

"You know how to ice skate?"he asked turning his body to face me.

"Well no but I could try."I said looking at him.

"You really want to go ice skating right now?"

"Yes I do. So are you going to skate with me?" I asked standing up.

"Sure, but if you fall and pull me down I'll unfreeze the lake and push you in."Draco said getting up and turned to walk to his dorm.

"I bet you will Malfoy."I said and ran to my room to get my skates. 

A few minutes later we were out at the Black Lake. I stood there hesitantly and watched Draco step out on the lake. I watched him slide perfectly on the ice and stop and look back at me. 

"Well get out here!"He shouted. 

"Well actually maybe we should go back in."I shouted back at him.

He skated back over to me and smirked. 

"Don't tell me you're scared Snape."He teased. 

"Actually I'm not. I'm just, uhhh, cold. Yeah that's it I'm cold Malfoy. "

"Your coat is huge though."

"Fine I'm scared." I admitted.

"Here."He said putting his hand out for me to grab.

I looked at it for a second and then grabbed it. It took my other hand and slowly walked me onto the ice. 


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