Chapter 44

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Chapter 44: Duelist Kingdom Preliminaries (3)

2 hours since the start of the duel has been announced, Tokio was at the pier of the island and possessed a total of 6-star chips on his gloves.

" What the hell?! You must be kidding!? "

Haruhi and Fumihito glared at the guard who escorted them on their way off.

In front of them was a boat for them to get back to the mainland.

" This is the rules of Pegasus-sama. "

The guard replied sternly with no trace of hesitation.

" This is the worse! "

Fumihito complained.

[ Could you at least give them a life vest or any food that would last enough until they arrive at their destination? ]

The guard was startled when he heard a voice inside his mind. Finally, he stared at the duelist who defeated these two people. After a while, the guard answered.

" I could give them a life vest. As for the food, I can't give them anything. "

Haruhi wryly smiled.

" .. Well, at least there's a life vest. You should hand the other losers like me a life vest. What would you do if some of us don't know to swim? And can't even row a boat? You didn't even give us food... What would the media think if news like this get out? "

Haruhi questioned. The guard then removed his sunglasses for a bit and glared at Haruhi.

" Are you threatening Pegasus-sama? "

Haruhi shrugged.

" I never said that and I have no plan of babbling my mouth to media. It's just maybe someone would... Let's go, Fumihito. "

" Okay! "

" Let's get back together. You probably don't know how to row a boat, don't you? "

Fumihito nodded even though he feel ashamed and glared at the guard as he got on the boat. The guard then handed them a life vest and the two duelists wore them.

Haruhi then glance at Tokio who was seeing them off.

" Wouldn't we waste your time? You don't need to see us off Akai-san. "

[ It's fine. I just only need to acquire 4-star chips to pass to the finals and there's still plenty of time. ]

Haruhi and Fumihito sweatdropped when they heard Tokio's words. Fumihito then said.

" Akai-san, good luck! "

[ Thank you. ]

" You may be strong and have defeated me. But be careful of that guy Yugi who defeated Kaiba! "

Haruhi supplied.

" That's right! For someone to defeat Kaiba, he wasn't just a simple duelist! "

[ I take it to my mind. And before you go start rowing your boat and wait for some people to leave the island together with you two. ]

Placing his backpack on the ground, Tokio took out some things and handed them to Haruhi and Fumihito.

[ Here. ]

Tokio handed them emergency flares, two big bottles of water, biscuits, and chocolate bars.

" This. "

Haruhi said in surprise.

[ It wasn't enough. But I hope that it would be able to alleviate your hunger. The emergency flares could be useful if you encounter any dangerous situations. ]

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