First scene but author is still confused

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He came in room. She was sitting on her bed. He sat besides her and put his hand on her cheeks. Her whole face can be covered with those bare hands. He asked " What happened why are you looking so stressed". She replied in such a lower voice " I don't know how to say this but... I am... afraid". Her voice was really different from other days. He could even feel it too. His lil baby girl was scared for first time. He told her not be afraid. He said " If you are so afraid of this we can do it when you are ready. This is not a big deal." She said "I really don't mean to hurt your desires about being in relationship. If you want it please don't hold your back just for me."

[Author:This girl is kinda stupid you know guys]

[He: Stop there and continue our story]

He said " No, I respect you and don't want to hurt your feelings. I can wait for you. Don't forget that we are going to live with each other more 60 years now. We should have plans for coming days too right? " She was blushing like hell and feeling so secured besides him. He grabbed her hands and said "I know I can't do.... With you now but can I havesomething else from you? " She was looking so puzzled by his question. He laughed and said "Don't think too much. I just want you to let sleep on your lap. I missed you so much. "  He laid down on her lap and glare at her face. Both started laughing at how much they understand each other. They both shared a good time.

[Author: Hello everyone, I forgot to introduce myself. Sorry, this author is stupid too. So my name is ..........]

[He: Stop fooling around author. Just say it directly you don't want to expose your name. You think we are fool to call you Ms.10 dots? ]

[Author: Hehehe......* awkward silence *]

[Author: Let's not talk about my name for now. I just want to introduce to my first Wattpad story. I really just want to put something nasty and as well as cute in one story. So I thought to of one scene as a proposal. Please let me know in comments if you all want me to make this a story. ]

[She: Please let us know]

[He: Don't worry they are so kind right baby girls? ]

[Author: *Clearing throat* can you guys please stop. I am still not done talking.]

[He and She: Aye aye captain]

[Author: So guys please let me know your thoughts. ]

[She: Author I heard you was going to say something important than this too. What it is? ]

[Author: Oh yeah, I almost forgot it. So the important part is that I am still confused if this story should have straight or bl plot. ]

[He and She: What do you mean??]

[Author: It is is what it is looks like. I am still thinking of making it as a bl story. ]

[He: You got to be kidding me Author]

[She: Just relax she must be kidding. Right author?]

[Author: No, I am not. Well than we will see you all on 21 June. To give you update if we are going to make this as a story till than good bye take care. Don't forget to comment]

[He: Author we need to talk]

[Author: Yes, wait a second *run*]

[He: Author come here. I said come here back]

*........................ Chaos continues.................... *

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2022 ⏰

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