Chapter 2

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I nodded "Herr..?" Frau Schneider trailed "Cohen" Daniel said "Herr Cohen, you'll teach my children as if a school. So for 6 hours from 10:30 till luncheon where they will have a 20 minute break before continuing till 3:30. Fräulein, you'll be present during this time, and their lunch unless my husband or myself dismiss you. This will allow you to spend time with Herr Cohen and allow my husband and I to have time to my children. We'll further discuss this later. While my husband and I stay in Bregenz for about two weeks you'll have to stay here. When we leave you'll come with us. I'll return here tomorrow morning" Frau Schneider said before leaving.

"Do you think we should get something a bit more formal?" I asked once Frau Schneider left. Daniel lifted an eyebrow, "We have nothing but some money and and the clothes we came in." I explained, "We are going to meet Herr Schneider and Frau Schneider, we don't need to dress up, but in saying that, wearing clothes that haven't been washed for a few days isn't the best option" I carefully explained, to which Daniel nodded in understanding.

We left and went into a clothing store I saw when I was looking for jobs. I gave Daniel 1000 .- (Francs) and I kept the other 1000.- (Francs) for myself. I found a brown skirt that went little past my knees. I picked out a plain light brownish green blouse that went to my elbows. I decided to stay with my brown boots since they were in good condition and worked with what I was wearing. I brought it for 50.- (Francs)

(About $500 in our money, I know I was shocked. But they didn't buy lots of clothes since there was a poor economy in 1931. Most clothes would've been second hand and only brought when necessary, and I think after jumping out of a moving train and walking in mudding land and escaping a street fight would make clothes be in a bad condition, and since they didn't know they were going to flee Germany they wouldn't have had more clothes with them, and were given Gretchen's mothers life savings they would've had to but new clothes)

I waited for Daniel at the front of the shop. He came out and we made our way back to the inn, he gave me back, 950 .- (Francs). "We have 1900.- (Francs) left... Hopefully we can make it a few more weeks before Frau and Herr Schneider pay us" I muttered.
"We'll manage, she said when we move to Bern that we won't have to pay for the necessary things." Daniel said before kissing my forehead. I dipped my head down, as to try hide my blush. I noticed that my hair had grown out a bit since I cut it after my brother had beat me and Herr Hitler and turned a blind eye.

Daniel seemed to have noticed the change in my facial expression. "Gretchen, what wrong?" He asked.
"Oh, nothing, I just didn't notice how long a hair had gotten,"I said. Daniel didn't speak for a moment, he sat in thought.
"I suppose so; but you used to have much longer hair before cutting it. But I guess it has grown out, it's no longer at your chin" Daniel said in thought. "Although, I don't really know why you cut your hair. You seemed to have liked it when your hair was long." Daniel continued.

I closed my eyes, I really did like it when my hair went half way down my back. I remember when Uncle Dolf had rubbed my hair between his figures and praised my 'German pure-blood' or 'Aryan' and talked how I should be proud of it. However I ended up cutting my hair when Hitler had betrayed my trust to look like the American women, Eva and I would see in the magazines we would read. She helped me neaten my hair, although I was shocked and distanced myself after finding out she had been dating Hitler for 2 years, heck there's a 23 year age gap! He's old enough to be our father or uncle, seeing as he was 'friends' with my father.

"Well, you know, he betrayed my trust and I cut my hair to show how I started to hate the National Socialists (NAZI) although it still seemed some what normal so no one raised an eyebrow. Although I can't lie, I did like my long hair; I'll grow it out again." I said, smiling as Daniel sat there and listened to what I had to say. He gave a light chuckle at the end
"I thought you just wanted a change, but I guess that works out as well." He said flashing me a grin.

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