839 26 4

Hermione Granger

My head is killing me.. What happened? I felt the sun on my face, forcing me to squeeze my eyes shut. I let out a groan and guided my hand to my forehead in attempt of lessening the piercing headache i felt. I noticed my head wasn't the only thing that ached. My wrists, throat and legs were particulary sore. Right, i jumped out a window while tied up... Wait... What happened?! The last thing I remember was realising Ron was exchanging himself for me in Pansy's body. ..thats too complicated... 

I tried to open my eyes, but the light burned them. ''I think she's waking up.'' I heard a voice say. I couldn't quite make out who it was, but it was familiar. ''Already? I though they said she'd be out for another hour or two.'' another voice whispered. Someone chuckled. ''You know Granger, always to be quickly on her feet.'' Pansy

My eyes fluttered open. My sight was quite blurry, but i saw a white, tiled ceiling and a big light. Three darker spots hung over me. I blinked a couple of times and realised they were Pansy, Draco and Blaise. ''Welcome to the land of the living!'' Blaise exclaimed. Draco looked up at them, rolled his eyes and shook his head. Pansy's smile grew wider. ''How're you feeling?'' She asked. ''Ouch..'' I groaned. The trio chuckled. ''Thats probably because the potion is wearing off.'' Draco muttered. As I put my arm back on the bed, i noticed both my wrists were bruised. I frowned as I held them in front of me. My eye caught at the ugly scar on my left arm. I swallowed and crossed my arms. I don't think Draco or Blaise noticed, but Pansy took my hand and gently traced her finger on the skin. 

The second her hand met mine a warm feeling spread through my body and the colors were visible again. Both of us startled, having forgotten about it completely. I looked at Pansy and gazed into her eyes as if we were back at the waterfall. I smiled faintly and looked around the room. It was a hospital room. There was an empty bed across from mine, a nightstand and an armchair with a familiar bag next to it. On the left wall there was a window. Light from a sunrise streamed into the room, telling me it was early morning. On my right side was the door. There was no one in the room but the slytherin trio.

''Where are Harry and Ron?''

My question was met with a deadly silence and i knew something was wrong. I sat up slightly and looked at Pansy worriedly. She glanced at her friends beside her and then turned to me again. ''You don't remember what happened, do you?''  She asked softly. I looked from her, to Draco, to Blaise and then shook my head, but part of me did know. Tears started stinging behind my eyes. ''Something went wrong..'' Blaise muttered after realizing Pansy wasn't able to explain. ''He's gone, isn't he?'' I asked. None of the three people in front of me reacted for a while, until Draco let down his eyes and nodded. That simple movement felt like a stab to the heart. like a cold hand ripped it out and then squeezed it untill it broke. I felt the first tear escaping my eye and slowly make it's way down my face.

''Harry and Ginny are at the burrow to be with the rest of the Weasleys, so we decided to stay here with you. There's going to be a...'' Draco's words didnt seem to land. He couldn't really be gone. He couldn't really be dead... It felt wrong, unreal, just like it did when I erased my parent's memories and when we saw all those dead bodies of people we knew and loved while walking into the great hall that night. My mouth was dry, ears ringing, the world was spinning again. I felt like breaking down and crying, but something inside didn't let me. 

''What happened to him?'' I interrupted Draco's story. Both Draco and Blaise looked at Pansy. Then they got up and left the room, leaving me and Pansy behind. 

She wanted to be the one to tell me, and she wanted to do it alone.

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