Chapter Nineteen

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As we arrived at Elina's new pack and home , we entered through the front property and outside at the front porch stood Elina and her mate Jackie Roberts whom they met soon as Elina went too college right after highschool ended for her.

As we walked up she immediately ran up too me and hugged me," Dan I'm so glad you're here, tell me what has happened too Elizabeth"? She asked immediately," let's go someplace private, we're not sure if anyone here is a spy, Elizabeth told me that her pack and mine have spies in it and I'm not so sure if yours do too", I say , and she shook her head as if she understood to what I was saying ," I know a place where no one goes too", says Jackie Elina's mate.

I nod my head and we all ended up following Jackie into the woods , from there we found a nearby waterfalls not far from the Pack's territory just about two miles from the pack house.

"So what do we need to do"? Asked Elina as she looks at me seriously , " we need to come up with a plan to save Elizabeth AND the innocent that are not involved in tonight's ritual and we need to find where she is hiding at", I said.

"Did she tell you where she was at "? Asked Jackie , " no, but I did see an image of her chained up on a silver table in some place , that looked cold and dark and dimmed ", I said.

"Cold? Dark? And dimmed? Huhhh", says Jackie as she starts thinking.

"I know where she's at "? Says an unknown voice coming from behind us, we all instantly turn behind me seeing a man wearing two swords from his waist and a bow and arrows on his back , he had brown shady hair with brown eyes, and he looked 6'2" ," my name's Andros Lagos, and I am Elizabeth's personal body guard , AND the second first general commander of alpha Lucas and alpha Dylan", he says as he approaches us.

Then suddenly someone from behind me growls in a deep rumbling voice , making me shiver from it, "mate", they said and I turn to see James breathing heavily like he's catching his breath and starring right at Andros we all turn to Andros and he immediately walked up towards James.

"Mate", he says in a low husky voice causing the ground to shake a little like an earthquake.

And then immediately they tackle hug each other almost causing each other to fall off balance.

The girls then started giggling at them at their recklessness , " alright we need to get back on cur", I said ," Dan's right they're are innocent people in danger ", says Laura ," right right we're sorry ", says James as he clears his throat and so does Andros.

"Elizabeth told me that SHE is their sacrifice for the blood ritual tonight, and the leader of the cold ones is a lord of the dark moon clan ", I said.

"Do we know his name"? Asked Jackie , " no she never told me ", I said ,  " so how are we gonna go in and save her "? Asked Laura.
"You said she spoke too you through mind link? Could you do that now? Again"? She asks me.

" I can try but it was HER who spoke too me through mind link", I said. "if that's so maybe you can try and meditate on her like visualize her features AND her surroundings and maybe you can get a hold of her", says Jackie. " That's actually a good idea ", says Leiyah my mate ," well I did take yoga classes back in middle school, I guess I did learn a few things ", she says as she laughs a little.

"Okay I'ma go ahead and make contact with her", I said and then I begin closing my eyes and visualizing Elizabeth , immediately I get a glimpse of her wearing a long black thin dress sitting in a dimmed bedroom that looked Victorian styled and their were a few people in there with her , one that was a man but not really a man but a monster in disguise , he had short black hair pale skin with a short black beard from his chin around his cheeks and above his mouth under his nose.

And the two other were an unknown female whom wore a doctor's white cloak and none other than Kristy and one other woman with long thick black hair wearing a maids outfit.
So I tried calling out too her , Elizabeth.

' Elizabeth! Elizabeth it's me Dan, where are you '? I asked her and she soon immediately tensed a little but didn't reply back too me because the man in front of her was still talking. ' Not now Dan they'll get suspecious of me ' she says in mind link , ' Elizabeth tell me the man's name '? I asked her.

' Tch , his name is Lord Hades Nixon of the dark moon clan ' , she says , ' and his servants are Crysta morning'glory the doctor with the white cloak, the two maids Vivian and Janie and they're are at least twenty guards near the entrance of the tunnel ' , she says.  ' And how is Lucas ? Is he alright? Is he safe ? What about father ? And Elina  '? She asked me.

' Elizabeth calm down alright, we're making a plan right now, we'll get father and then we'll get Lucas and warn alpha Dylan and Luna Anna ' , I said too her but immediately oru mind linked cut off by her screaming so bad it caused me a headache and I immediately shut her off.

" Damn it " , I said as I slammed my fist into a nearby tree. " What? What happened "? Asked Leiyah , " father's in danger and so is Lucas , no doubt they're plotting something ", I said as I knelt down on the ground.

" Well we need to go , we need to go get father! Now"! Says Elina as she screams at me while crying.

" Elina we'll get them , we will but we need a strategy first ", says Jackie as she calms her down.


( Jackie Joanne , age : 27 , Elina's mate and member of Elina's pack , and topped first female gamma warrior )

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( Jackie Joanne , age : 27 , Elina's mate and member of Elina's pack , and topped first female gamma warrior ).

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