🍋Random Human! R x F Oneshot🍋

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Requested?: Yes/No

Type of story: fluffy smut

Warnings: smut, fluff

Word count: 1,473

A/n: this is from a roleplay and I did together.


Rodney would not have expected himself to be in this position right now, but then again, it was his fault.

It had been a few months after Ratchet and Madame Gasket are defeated. Parts are being remade again, courtesy of Bigweld returning, therefore saving his dad and other outmodes in the process. And what else? He and Fender finally bought their own place.

Only a few hours had passed since they arrived, but so far, Rodney and Fender rather spend their time chattering about what happens next. Only a few boxes, the only ones that they have before leaving Aunt Fanny's place, had been empty, leaving the rest unopened. A bed and a dresser of their clothes had already been set up so that they could rest and get dressed for the next day. The fridge is already accounted for as well, so the place almost looks complete.

Rodney and Fender laughed, already close to each other than the last few hours, as they recounted the moment when Ratchet had been flown up and left hanging up in the air without any upgrades.

It's really hilarious the thought of Ratchet's upgrades dropping to the floor, only having one color makes him feel sick. But he burst into laughter, trying to cover the wound that was hidden in his back. While chatting with Fender, looking around the surroundings to see that it's much tidier now. The house they got is unexpectedly big, even though they can get an even bigger house, Rodney decides a house like this is enough. Having the thought of the battle makes a shiver crawling down to his spine.

Fender noticed his shivering, though, and became worried. "You okay?"

The blue-haired male forced a smile, gently massaging the side of his head. "I...I'm okay, just feeling nervous."

"You sure?"

Gently standing up, but he stepped it wrong on accident causing him to fall, making a large yelp.

Fender was able to catch him in time before Rodney could even hit the floor. He was lucky his arms are new and properly fixed because he would have fallen with him.

"I...(sigh), feel a bit exhausted and mentally drained, "Rodney said, standing up slowly. "T..thank you."

Fender didn't let him go, for he had a gentle yet firm grip on his arms. He forced him to face him, an uncertain look in his eyes.

You noticed how Rodney was failing to make eye contact, especially he was anxious at the moment. He really wants Fender to let go so he could have some alone time.

But Fender isn't going to let him go. He saw the uncomforting of being left alone, the wanting to be hugged, to be loved, in his blue eyes.

The atmosphere makes him feel a bit embarrassed, he wanted to leave, because he's really nervous. But it's true, perhaps he wanted to feel loved, but doesn't know how to express it.

It wasn't long until a pair of lips were pressed against his own. Though it took him by surprise, Rodney kissed back, wrapping his arms around Fender's neck. It was a strong kiss, but he didn't dare show discomfort at that.

The kiss itself is so strong and passionate, they stayed that way until Rodney runs out of breath, he pulled away panting softly but suddenly being bridal carried. His cheeks turned bright red, though he buried his face onto Fender's shoulder, receiving a chuckle from the red-ponytailed man.

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