Part - 3

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_____meet me at  EYES CAFE, at 03:15 pm
Let's end this drama.

Sent (Lee y/n).

Y/n pov

*I don't know, if I can hold myself or not..but I'll try my best...My mom always taught me to stay happy,stay matter what...but, we are in same college, same class.. it's not possible to be okay if I see him daily in front of me...class going to start next week anyway, I need to go far*

*Dinner time*

"Eomma, appa...I want to tell you something.."... I said to them coldly..
"What is that?", They replied me together...
"I - I wanna study at Seoul National University, please give me the permission"- I said them hesitatedly...
"Suddenly why? You have any problem here?" ,Dad asked me worriedly...."and,your eyes are so Puffy,are you sick?"....he asked again...
"Y/n, what's going on ? You have something to let us know?" asked curiously...

"No, it's nothing like this... actually, I'm already 19, I wanna be alone now, I wanna study hard, do a part time job ,also...I'm going to take admission at dance class again, I wanna run after my dreams again..I hope you won't stop me...I took this decision after thinking a long time......", I replied to them, took a long breath..." I'll contact to our vice principal and class president tomorrow for TC papers and transcription..."... I stood up and step upstairs to my room....

Author POV:-

"What's wrong with her? She seems like depressed, do you know something?" ,Y/ns  father asked to her mother...
"She said she gonna spend whole day with Jungkook today, she said she'll be late to come home, but she came back after 1 hour she went outside, and after that she locked her room...I tried to talk but she said she have some work, not to disturb her.."- y/ns mother replied...

Her father sighed and said " I can bet she having some problem with Jungkook, I told you I don't like that boy..."
"And why you don't like him? What he did? How can be sure she having problem with Jungkook?", Y/ns mother asked her father annoyingly...
"I don't like because, I'm an old businessman, I visited the whole whole world, I can understand anyone's personality just by looking at their face,, he did nothing to me but ofcourse ,go and ask Y/n, I'm sure, it's related to Jungkook...", Her father took a deep breath, "chagi, I'm her father, she is my only daughter, I'll not snatch her from her love..but yes, I'll give her to someone who really deserves her, who loves her, Not someone who brings her in a position where she gets hurt"... Y/ns father explained to her mother.....
"Finish your dinner, I'll go and talk to her"...y/n mother replied...

Y/n mother POV :-

*I went upstairs to y/ns room, she looked upset, hope she didn't got hurt by Jungkook, she really loves him so much...I knocked her door, and went inside*

"Y/n, we need to talk", I said to y/n..
"Ne eomma, what is it?" She replied, hiding her face...
"Is everything okay? You said you gonna spend time with j- " she cut off my words and said
"Everything is okay eomma , don't worry..."... She still hiding her face..

"Look at me y/n, look at my eyes", I ordered her...she looked at me slowly..."tell me, what's the problem? Is everything okay with Jungkook?" ; I asked her...

*Her eyes suddenly became teary, she started crying..oh God, what's going on..*

"He don't love me anymore Eomma, he got another girl", she said to me while crying..
"What? He told you that?", I asked her worriedly..

"I caught them today, at his house..he is cheating on me eomma"...she brust into tears.... My heart breaks to see my daughter like this ...I hugged her tight...she kept crying....

"Your father was right y/n, he really don't deserve you.. that's why he didn't like you spend time with him, your father was worried about you, and you and me,just misunderstood your father"...I said to her coldly...she looked at me breaking the hug...
"Please say sorry to appa, I'm really sorry I didn't listen to him"...she said to me while sobbing... I nodded to her..

*It's not the right time to ask her about other stuffs, she needs time.. better I talk about other thing later, I said her to take a nap, I left her room...*

*It's already her breakfast time, hope she is a bit okay now, I took her food to her room...I entered in her room, she was studying*

"Here's your breakfast, eat it and come downstairs, we will go to college together to talk with principal" - I said to her ...
"Okay, I'll be ready at around 1 pm,,see you later" , y/n replied to me...

End of y/ns mother POV

*Y/n POV : - *

*I get ready and went to downstairs, checking my face at the mirror again, observing if it's looking like sad or not, haha, fool me, my life fucked up so much*

"Oh you're ready already?" Mom asked to me..
"Yea, let's go now?", I asked her back...
"Wait in the car, I'm coming in 2 minutes"...she said and went towards her room...

*It took 20 minutes to reach college, we entered to principals meeting room, principal spoke*

"I read your online application y/n, if you really think you need to transfer, then I'll notice them to give you Transfer certificate, but for transcript paper, you have to talk with your class president personally"...he finished his words...I nodded...

"Thank you ,Mr. Choi... we'll leave then"... My mother told to principal...

"My pleasure" , he replied to mom and then looked at me... "Y/n, good luck for final exam, study hard , also, good luck for your dance career, don't lose your me when you'll visit Busan, okay?"..he told me ...
" Thank you sir, Sure..." , Nodded....

We left college...

"Eomma, go back to home, I have to meet Our class president, for some stuffs", I said to mom, she winded her eyes..
"Isn't your class president is Jungkook?"-she asked me...
"Hmm, don't worry, there will be work related talk between us be honest, we need to clear up something also,I'll be home soon, see you"....

*I went to the place I told him to come and meet me, it's 2:55 pm, I have to wait a quiet long time...o ordered cold Dalgona coffee ,to refresh myself...... order already delivered, I took a sip and sniff the fragrance, I missed this smell so much....  I look at my watch to check time, it's 3:10pm already, I prepared myself to look perfect, cleared my throat, took a deep breath, I'm Ready to face him again, ready to ask questions, also, maybe for giving answers......

I checked the time again, it's 3:23pm already, felt annoyed for his irresponsible behavior...well, it's not first time, let's wait some minutes more.....I opened Instagram to scroll....*

"Y/n, sorry I'm late"....said A fimiar voice...

I looked up to see his face....I smiled a little... " Well , it's not the First time"....I sighed.....

To be continued....

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